It Wasn't Me...

It wasn't me, it was the one-armed man!  I'm innocent see!  I was framed see!  What is it that I am not guilty of?  Well....let's see...

I am not guilty of writing two checks before the money was there.  It's been years since it was that close.  But that's okay because really it didn't happen.

I am not guilty of letting my children stay up a little later than usual because I am too lazy to go upstairs and put them to bed.

I am not guilty of letting my my (almost) 10 year old put the boy to bed for the same reason.

I am not guilty of reading blogs instead of doing laundry or anything that resembles housework.

I am not guilty of ignoring my kids because I never do that anyway.

I can neither confirm nor deny any of the above statements.  I have no further comments at this time, and I will not be taking questions.  

Want to play along?  Check out Glamazon!


Bossy Betty said…
You are absolved of all of the above.
BNM said…
LMAO!! Im not guilty of them things either then.. can i blame it on the one armed man too?
Kellie said…
Denial= an ironic confessional= very entertaining reading material. :)
Emmy said…
Yes, yes, yes that is what I could answer to many of those... though I don't have a ten year old to do my dirty work for me yet :)
mormonhermitmom said…
What? I didn't hear anything. This conversation never took place.
JRiggles said…
Holy cow! I thought I was reading my own blog! I NEVER do any of those things either...excepts the 9 year old putting kids to bed..I might have to NEVER try that sometime!
The Drama Mama said…
Confession accepted. Your penance is 3 glasses of wine and a shot of tequila.
melissa said…
I really like your blog! I'm a new author and have enjoyed this new experience. I find that it's the most difficult and most rewarding. I'm also a graphic designer and love having that creative outlet as well.
Thanks for your post! I will be back for more updates. :-)

Melissa Nielsen
Heather said…
I think I am guilty of all the same things.
Liz Mays said…
You are forgiven for nothing, because none of it happened. ;)
Unknown said…
LMAO. Glad to hear it didn't happen!
My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog
Laura Lynn said…
I know nothing! hearing Colonel Klink's voice...
I'm not guilty of any of those things that never took place either. lol
KK said…
LOL, I am not guilty of eating ice cream for dinner :)
Christine said…
Whew...cause I was worried there for a minute. You'd sound a whole lot like the rest of us if these were true ;)

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