Fashion Statements

Now why can't we all have fashion sense like this?


Rachel said…
hahaha! Looks like he'd get along great with Madeline!
bingham 5 said…
sadly, I know people who do!
Christine said…
Amen. An why can't we hold onto our true fashion sense as we grow older?
Emmy said…
Lol! He and Alex could get together with their great wardrobe choices :)
Lourie said…
Rachel, I totally thought of Madeline when I posted this.
All in favor, say AYE!

The Drama Mama said…
It's perfect. I absolutely love the sweater vest over the Hawaiian print.
Kellie said…
It wouldn't matted what you dressed that boy in, he'd still be adorable!
Joy@TPMG said…
The fashion sense of children is always camera worthy! He certainly has creative flair! My daughter would definitely approve.
Tracie said…
Because we aren't as awesome as he is! Too funny!
Liz Mays said…
He's ahead of his time!
Laura said…
Love it!! My daughter has the same fashion sense, except it's layering skirts and tutus. :)
Natasha in Oz said…
Very cool indeed-full of personality!

Best wishes,
Holly Lefevre said…
It must be a boy son comes up with the craziest combos.
mormonhermitmom said…
Don't forget all day pajamas too!
Jenny said…
Actually I think I do. I pretty much dress like that most of the time. Sigh.

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