Yesterday was my birthday. I got love all across the internet. From Facebook, to my blog, to emails, forums, phone calls. and the like. I was feeling the love. I even got flowers from my mom and my sister. Roses. They are so pretty. We actually are not doing my birthday until Sunday. It's a good thing considering the way my week has been going.
Monday went fairly normal. Got the kids off to school, with the promise of making a doctor appointment for Emily. She had been coughing for so long and she just wasn't recovering. It was a bad horrible cough that was causing her to gag. We went to the doctor and found out she has bronchitis. I asked about school and the doctor said she should stay home at least 2 days. Okay no problem. Tired after my long afternoon, I forced myself to make dinner. Savory Ham Pie. Not a scrap of it left.
Yesterday Emily rested, watched TV, did some math, and played a little with her brother. I had my mom come and sit with Emily and Ryan so I could go get Kristin and my extras from school. My mom and I were visiting while the girls were playing. I gave them the heads up that homework would be commencing in 15 minutes. Somewhere in that time, Ryan who had been suspiciously quiet began to cry. My house swallows up sound. It is good and bad. The TV was on. The girls were giggling. I couldn't figure out where he was. After circling the main floor once, I called out his name and he told me he was upstairs. He came to me holding his hand over his eye. The boy had sprayed perfume into his eye. My bathroom and his eye wreaked of White Diamonds. Now what do I do? I soaked a washcloth with water and wrung it out over his eye. Over and over I did this, until he proclaimed that it was enough.
Happily, I happen to know an eye doctor from church. Double happy, he works at the very office I go to. I will just go to him, and he will take care of Ryan and make sure his eye is ok. Well, he wasn't there. He had been in surgery all day and was gone for the day. Now we have to open a chart. My insurance requires authorization for something like this. To do this they need my primary who is gone for the day. Come on people, the kids eye is red, watery and I have sick child at home and dinner to make. After some red tape they took him to an exam room. He was a champ. While sitting in my lap, he let them look in his eyes with their special eye doctor stuff. He has some chemical burns but he would be okay. They gave me ointment...not drops... OINTMENT that I am to put INSIDE the eye. Ummm....he's three....well believe it or not...we've been doing it. His eye already looks better.
I made hot dogs for dinner, and had the girls get started with homework. It was late when we finished, but we did it. I got Emily ready for bed, and during that she had a horrible coughing fit that made her vomit. Not a good thing. I assured her she wasn't sick with a stomach flu. I got her settled and off to bed, but not before I had to set up Ryan in MY room. I am a mean mom though. I pile up blankets and make him sleep on the floor. He did all night.
My birthday...starts with Emily coughing up a lung. Twice. Yep. It happened again. Poor thing. She looked horrible. Man is this child ever getting better!? Rich tells me that his car battery needs to be replaced. So what did I do for myself? I bought dinner and I took a birthday girl time out after Ryan went to bed. I just sat there and did absolutely nothing. It was heaven.
I am not sure what the rest of my week holds. I do know that Emily was finally perking up this evening. She doesn't realize how sick she was and how much time she needs to recover fully, but I did notice improvement. Tomorrow morning we shall see how she is.
It's been a crazy few days. I am ready for a day at the spa. A vacation in the Bahama's. Anything that speaks relax, you have no worries here.
I had to put ointment in my girl's eyes after surgery. She hated it. I'm glad your little guy is taking it so well.
It'll be worth it to postpone the festivities if there is a spa involved. You need it.
I hope things get better for you soon!
Happy Birthday week!