Don't Tread On Me...

When we first moved to our CA home five years ago(it will be officially 5 on my birthday!), our neighborhood was quiet.  Almost tumbleweed quiet.  I remember having pangs of guilt when my kids would play outside.  They are noisy.  But then, kids are supposed to be noisy right?  And no one ever said anything to me.  It was great.  My kids were allowed to be noisy and play.  They loved it, and I loved it.  There was one thing missing.  More kids.  My street was sadly lacking children.  My kids were happy and fine, but I wanted kids on the street.  Then last year, a family moved in and I got my wish....

This family has three children ages 9, 7 and soon to be 5(now).  At first I welcomed them over because it meant kids could play together.  But soon it was a habit, and a bad one.  The mom would say my kids could come over to her house too, but it never seemed to happen.  My food was being eaten, juice was being drunk, and I was growing tired of being the babysitter.  I decided they could only play outside and have water for drinks.  I felt mean at first, but after a while it didn't matter because as it turned out, the older two of the kids are trouble makers and put the blame on Ryan many times.  It was a lot of drama and I finally squashed it.

Another family moved in across the street just a few months ago, and they have two children.  The grandparents live next door.  Pretty nice set up right?  Sure.  They are all friends with the family of the three kids I just talked about.  Ryan likes to play with the son of the family across street from us.  Sometimes drama results, but that is usually if the other 3 are there.

A couple of weeks ago, I was ambushed.  My kids and I were just hanging out and goofing around while I did lunch dishes when someone came to the door.  Figuring it was one of the kids, I let Ryan answer.  He came back telling me it was a lady with "yellow pages."  Confused by this statement, I quickly dried my hands and went to the door.  The lady in question was from Child Protective Services.  It seems one of my neighbors felt it necessary to call CPS rather than reach out to me in their great concern.  Here are the complaints they are claiming:

1.  My house is very cluttered and you can not move through out it This amazes is as they have never set foot in my house. Literally none of my neighbors have been inside.
2.  I am gone all the time.  Do they keep a log of this?
3.  I sleep all day.  Okay first, am I gone all the time, or do I sleep?  Which is it?  And How do they know this?
4.  The children are left unsupervised.  I have a daughter who will be 15 and another who is 12.  Nough said.
5.  A complaint was made about Emily's teeth and gums being dirty and swollen...ummmm what are you doing looking at my child's teeth you creeper!
6.  Ryan was seen chasing kids with golf clubs.  Ummmm no he and 3 other boys were playing with them and I took them away before anyone got hurt.
7.  The house smells like cat pee again, how do they know???

I was blind-sided, sucker-punched, blatantly attacked.  For what point and purpose?  I cried over it.  What did I do wrong? (to the neighbors).  I know I am none of those charges.  But now it is something they can say and use.  Oh don't let your kids play there.  CPS was called on her!  And here's why...and they will have the inside scoop because they are the ones who did it.  But now I am raising my flag...not a white one....

The joke is on them...the social worker practically scoffed at the charges when she walked into my house that was and remains clean.  Does not smell like pee of any kind.  Being an intelligent person, she understands that I can leave my daughters in charge of my son.  She also said herself, that they are kids and should be playing outside (another charge listed was that they play outside unsupervised) Well, hello lame-o neighbor, the entire street does!!!  So, sorry whomever is behind this plot, but you lost.  And do not tread on me.  I do not wish to play offense.  I wish to love my neighbors.  And I will do my best to do so.  That is what I have been taught.  But don't tread on me.  I am building a wall, and you know not what is behind it.


Emmy said…
Yes it still makes me so so mad that they called. And as a former DCFS worker I know every single one of those claims was a bunch of BS! So sorry you had to go through that.
Rebecca said…
so sorry that happen it bugs me when people misuse the system to gain some sort of achievement. glad it worked out and shame on whomever called.Happy fourth of July have a wonderful day XOXO
Rebecca said…
so sorry that happen it bugs me when people misuse the system to gain some sort of achievement. glad it worked out and shame on whomever called.Happy fourth of July have a wonderful day XOXO
Lynn said…
OMG. I can't believe that happened to you. What nerve! It's so sad. Sorry for you having to deal with pesky neighbors.
mormonhermitmom said…
GRRRR! Keep that social worker's number handy in case some other agency is called about your "negligence". You need someone to back you up.

Shell said…
Oh, I would be FURIOUS!

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that and so thankful that the CPS lady was reasonable about it all.
Macey said…
I still just can't even imagine. :(
Nicole said…
Holy crap! I can't even begin to imagine!
Amy said…
oh. my. goodness!!! I would be irate! I cannot imagine the mortification you must have felt. And the betrayal. How sad that someone would do that to you. Someone did that with my sister in law, and the pain she went through as they "investigated" her was so hard. I say raise your flag high and make sure the cowardly bullies can see it. Let it strike fear and let them know you are not to be messed with or so ill used.
So sorry my friend. So sorry.
Rachel said…
That is just insane! People can do so much damage with their pettiness!

I am glad it was seen for what it was - and I hope that somehow the kids don't end up suffering over their meanness:(

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