Random Is as Random Does...

I have the mind of a 12 year old.  Why?  Because when I get words like "pee" "poop" and "overflow" in Draw Something I use them.  I only wish I saved them.  For pee, I drew a dog peeing on a tree.  For poop....well I can leave that one to the imagination.  I will say there was steam and flies.  Overflow involved a toilet.  So is that a 12 year old mind or a sick one? 

Yesterday the kids went to back to school.  I will be talking a little bit more about that on Thursday.  Let's just it was a pretty good day.  Not great, but not awful.  Today was the challenge.  Again, that will be left for Thursday. You know...those Proud Mommy Moments!

There are just 7 little weeks left of school.  Seven.  How did that happen?  It also means the dreaded state testing is coming.  No matter how much we tell the kids, the test is more about the teacher they still stress.  *sigh*

My neighbors had a party for their daughter who turned 9 over the weekend.  Complete with a bouncy house.  I am not one hundred percent sure who the party was for.  Rich told me the adults were up past midnight.  I was asleep.  Had no clue.  But he heard them.  LOUD and clear.  So, who was that party for?

I was super productive yesterday.  I either got really sick, or was abducted by aliens.  It was weird.   Maybe I will be productive again today.  Then again maybe not.


Macey said…
Haha! I got your dog peeing on a tree yesterday!!
I like booger.
Christina Lee said…
Steam and flies, huh? *snert*
Emmy said…
It really is so fun to draw those words. Your toilets are definitely better than mine. Oh and very excited and intrigued as to what your PMMs are going to be
Nicole said…
I would choose maybe not :) unless you want to be come productive at my house :).

And Mark did poop for Tori one day, she threw a fit... hahahaha
mormonhermitmom said…
This is week two back from spring break and it still feels like we just had it.

So I shudder to think if you were asked to draw "Lake Titicaca".
Robin said…
productivity... what is that?? a concept I have not heard of... at all. I'd better go back to the couch and think about that for a bit.

or 2.
I LOVE potty humor! I've done the same thing on Draw Something but I've moved onto another favorite game now. It's a word game called scramble. I'm way addicted. I've ended all other games. That's bad huh?

Thanks for linking up!! =)
Rebecca said…
omg that sounds so fun is that a phone app or FB game
Liz Mays said…
Sounds like the child's party was just an excuse to have an adult party!

You crack me up with your pee and poo!
Amy said…
I have heard bouncy houses are super fun. I have never been in one. I dream about it, though. Besides, if you have to have a bouncy house for the kids, you might as well enjoy it when they go to bed, right? I know I would.
Shawn said…
I think I will be dead when pee, poop and fart is not funny to me. It;s good to be young at heart, it keeps you young in body and mind too.

We have 7 1/2 weeks left and they cannot go by fats enough!

Thanks for linking up with us!

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