I Confess...

I confess that I am about to gripe....

It's those darn neighbor kids.  They took great delight yesterday in getting my son into trouble.  Luckily, my daughter and I figured them out quickly.  We set up our own secret operative--she sat in her room and spied on them while he was outside playing.  As we predicted, another set up  happened.  Ryan freaked a little, he thought he was in trouble.  We quickly calmed him down and told him we saw everything(this was behind closed doors) and told him he was not in trouble.  I went outside to collect his things and the youngest of the three asked if he was in trouble.  I personally think this one is innocent of any wrong doings.  He's not even five yet.  It's mostly the oldest sibling who will be 9.  After he asked me this, I simply said, No and then turned my head in the direction of his evil sisters and said, "because he didn't do anything wrong."

I confess...

I am sore!  So very sore!  We played softball...well more like goofed around with a bat and ball.  I was happy to discover that I can still hit them hard and far.  I struck out too.  But I can still hit em hard.  But wow.  I am sore.  It was fun.

I confess...

I am still totally addicted to Draw Something.  But I get mad when I keep getting the same words over and over.  And then I get even more mad when I get insane words like whisper.  How do you draw that???

I confess...

My vitamin D levels are low.  So I have to pump myself full of D.  I have been getting outside to get the most natural D there is.  Sun. 

I confess...

As usual I am way behind on blog reading.  I have no reason to be.  The kids are on vacation.  No homework.  No rehearsals.  No demanding schedules.  Maybe I just relaxed and went to my happy place. 

What do you have to confess of?  Link up with Mamarazzi today!


Emmy said…
So I never did hear what your plan was with the kids, have you decided yet?

Sorry you are having to deal with all of this.

I am so so behind on Draw Something- think I have about 20 people waiting for me. Doh!
Macey said…
I hate neighbor kids. That's all.
mormonhermitmom said…
I confess that I have forced my kids to spend their spring break mornings using a pick axe in the back yard to break up that nasty clay soil. But then they get the whole afternoon to goof off. I'm such a bad mom.
Nicole said…
I got Tumblr for a word the other day. 3 coins worth. Um... how do you draw that?

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