How Old Are You?

I find myself asking my son this question a lot lately.  We went to Target yesterday to buy a bat and softball.  Holy cow that stuff is not cheap!  Luckily I ran into someone from church who has a son in baseball with some spare equipment and she was happy to loan us a bat and ball.   This way we get to see if we really like it without it costing any money.

As a consolation prize, I was going to buy a Nerf football to toss around at the park.  I was, until Ryan started tossing it around and finally bopping his sister on the hind end with it.  I was all done by that point.  I put it up on a Shelf...Sorry Target Team Members but it was time to be a parent.  Think of it this way, it is job security!  As I put that ball up high behind the dog food, and marched off with my boring vitamins, Ryan was having a fit.  Crying.  All eyes on him.  Were eyes on me?  I hope so.  I was being a parent.  I am not giving into that.  Guess what?  He lived.  He still loves me.  Target was happy I left.

So was I hanging my head in shame?  Nope.  I wasn't even acknowledging him at that point.  I held my head high.  I am the parent.  You will obey.  Is that a proud mommy moment? 

Whether you are proud or not, link up with Emmymom and Kmama!


Emmy said…
That is a sentence I often regularly ask to- to which Lucas will reply- 1/2 a day old. Little punk.

And good for you! Go mama go!

Thanks for linking up!
Liz Mays said…
Good for you in ignoring that behavior and not getting the purchase. Well done!
Rebecca said…
my brother does this stuff all the time last weekend at toy r us he threw a ball and proclaimed I choose you Pickachu
Macey said…
Ugh...I hate when that stuff happens. Which is just about every stinkin' day.
Amy said…
There should be more moms like you. Proud to have a child throwing a crying fit in the middle of the store, because you know you are teaching him important values. I love that! Good for you. I always feel like a bad guy when I have to do things like that, but I know it will make them better in the long run. Sigh.
Live Laugh Love said…
Check me out :)
Nicole said…
yey yey yey! Good for you!
Kmama said…
Good for you!! You should be proud that you were being a parent and teaching Ryan a lesson.

Thanks for linking up!

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