Getting My Craft On...

I am not a crafty person.  So when I make something I get very excited a little giddy.  So what have I been up too?  Well....

I had a couple of Mason jars and I was keeping pens and pencils in them.  I started thinking--yeah dangerous territory I know.  What can I do to make them more interesting?  Hmmmm.... Pinterest....Don't ya love that place?   I found a way to dye them, but it was kind of involved.  I like simple.  Mostly because I am.  So I bought some plain old Folk Art paint at Wally.  It was a whopping 99 cents.  And ribbon and floral rocks at the dollar tree.  That's right.  The whole project cost me $3.  Sweet.
From the beginning....
Almost there....I also gave them a high gloss finish. 
All done.  Nothing fancy. 

I also made a Valentine's bouquet for my table.  Everything came from the dollar tree.

Heart shaped doilies
Floral rocks
plastic vase
Total spent $ 6.00
Again, it isn't much, but for me this is huge.  I am very proud my accomplishment.  Even more so because I did it that same day.  Now that is saying something!!

I am linking up with Seriously Shawn & Impulsive Addict.
Seriously Shawn


Emily said…
Good job! Everything looks great!
Emmy said…
You should be proud!! It all looks so great! And now the jars don't like look something you just threw your pencils in, it looks purposeful and like that is their use. Such a great job!! And the bouquet is beautiful! I'm so proud :)
Stacy Uncorked said…
Those are GREAT projects! I'm thinking I'll need to recruit Princess Nagger to help make some like that - I know she'd enjoy it as much as I would! :)

Madonna Still Rocks, M.I.A. Steals the Headlines, and Another Stray Cat
Are you learning tricks from Emily? You're turning into a crafty person, aren't you? I'm gonna be left out one of these days.

Love the jars. I really like that color!

That bouquet is so pretty! Bravo!!

Thanks for linking up with us again! We appreciate you!
Very cute! I like simple too. Especially since I'm not a crafter either. And only spending $3 on a craft is awesome!
Nicole said…
You put the paint on the inside or the outside of the jars? And love your table arrangement!
Liz Mays said…
I can't believe it only cost you $3. I need to get crafty and shop with you! Very cute!
mormonhermitmom said…
Oh, look at you go! I'm not one for centerpieces at home but I appreciate them at social events. Woohoo!

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