Ten Things: January 2012

It's the end of the month and I am linking up with my BFF EmmyMom and her Ten Things to Smile about!  

1.  Getting together with my BFF!  We got together at the very end of Dec.  And then one week later(first week of January!) We got together again! Sweet!
2.  School starting up again.

3.  Emily made Honor Roll.  A very huge deal.

4.  Kristin also made honor roll.  Also a big deal.  

5.  Although there are no letter grades for little ones, Ryan continues to excel academically.

6.  Despite getting a flat tire thanks to a spark plug...we had money in the bank to take care of things.  Definitely something to smile about (and be thankful for.)

7.  Going out with my family.  We had not done it in a very long time and it was loads of fun.

8.  Watching the kids play with the display computers.  They liked Apple the best.

9.  Getting to see my (grand) nephew.  Just look at those THUNDER THIGHS!

10.  The weather.  It has not been frightful.  It has been A*MAY*ZING!

What made you smile this month?


Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness - I want to pinch those chubby thighs lol!! Congrats again on the honor rolls!! And I totally agree, the weather this winter has been awesome. It is 60 degrees right now in southern Illinois!
Macey said…
Those baby rolls need to be squeeeeeeezed!
Emmy said…
Oh he is getting so big!! Can't believe he is sitting up already and yes, his thighs are the best!
I forgot that it was actually January when we got together last :) hehe Good thing we already have our February date set- I am trying and trying to save up money for our great day but keep spending it-argh. OH well I will do it.
Lots of great things to smile about, thank so much for always linking up
Rachel said…
That is one cute baby! Fun fun post!
Venassa said…
Aww your grand nephew is the sweetest!
Great job to the girls doing so great in school :)
Emily said…
Those are lots of things to be happy about. It's so nice to focus on the positive things in life.
Nicole said…
The weather in our parts being so mild scares me b/c um.... we're still in winter with highs in the 50-60's... NOT normal for Missouri!
Liz Mays said…
I just love those chubbly wubbly thighs of his, and those honor roll notices are awesome!!!!

How far apart do you and Emmy live now?

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