Proud Mommy Moments

Now that the holiday's are officially over and the stores have piled everything into a corner with their 75% off sign, EmmyMom and KMama are back with their weekly meme:  Proud Mommy Moments!

In our church, the children ages 3-11 go to Primary.  This year our kids learned and studied scriptures.  As they did, they created a chain.  And this chain grew and grew and grew.  It was huge!  
And here they all are at the end of the year holding the chain, each link representing the scriptures they learned and committed to memory.  Isn't that awesome?  And what mother wouldn't be proud?  Look at all those wonderful faces?  Hmmm....let's find Emily....
Awww....isn't she's find Ryan....shall we.....
Yep!  There he is!  My son!

What are your proud moments?


Macey said…
Bahahahaha!!! Your son!! HIS FACE!!! LOL!!!
Chell said…
OH MY WORD That is priceless!! :)
Emmy said…
Lol! That is awesome! Too funny! Great PMM thanks so much for linking up.
LMAO!!! Now THAT is funny!
Jen said…
That is a really cool idea! And your son's face is priceless :)
Kmama said…
That's amazing that they learned that many scriptures. Wow.

Thanks for playing along!
Rebecca said…
hehe you're son totally rocks love this
Liz Mays said…
Oh he totally saw your camera aimed at him. Hilarious!
Nicole said…
ok his face just cracks me up!

But that is awesome!
Emily said…
That's how my kid will be too!
Amy said…
Hahaha! So funny! Boys, right? What a great primary president they have to encourage them to memorize those scriptures.
Anonymous said…
His face is hilarious! That chain is brilliant by the way ... I seriously need to hang around people that come up with these ideas!!
mormonhermitmom said…
Looks like the kinda guy that would prefer "LazerBlast" over "Sunbeam"! ;) Awesome.
Hilarious! Love that photos! And I love how they made learning scriptures fun for the kids!

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