New Looks?

It's a new why not a new look?  Not for you or me!  We look gorgeous dahling!  How about kids today.   I read an article from yahoo about trends that should disappear.  You can read it here.  It talks about everything from graphic tees--which as long as they are in good taste I do not mind--to bikini's(as in STRING bikini's) for babies.  What baby needs a string bikini?  It is not cute!  Not in the slightest.  I found it disturbing.  Go ahead, call me a prude.  I don't care.  I think it is totally inappropriate to sex up an infant.  There I said it.

It doesn't stop there.  Why would it?  There is also padded bras for your 7 year old!  Who thought this one up?  Pedophiles?  I mean really.  Help me out here.  Does a seven year old girl really NEED a padded bra.  It's hard enough watching them turn into a woman when the time comes.  Why push it?  Why are parents allowing their daughters to become this? 

Other trends listed were the Angry Birds.  I like them.  Sorry but I do.  They make me laugh.  It's a marketing frenzy with those guys.  SO maybe, yes it is overkill.  But I like those silly things.  The pigs are hilarious especially the way mock you.

Of course skinny and low rise jeans are another target of must be discontinued items.  And of course, sexy Halloween costumes.  What are your thoughts?


Macey said…
I think all of those things should be abandoned wonder our girls today are so lost.
The "skinny" jeans are some of the worst because of just the name. Not that I wouldn't wear em if I was actually skinny, but since I'm not I'm gonna complain.
The padded bras for 7 year olds make me sick.
Emmy said…
Yes the bra and bathing suit- so wrong. And agree with low rise too as way too often people that should not wear low rise do- and spare tires are things for cars- not something I want to see on a person.
mormonhermitmom said…
And where exactly do you put the diaper in an infant string bikini?????
Liz Mays said…
Don't take my skinny jeans away, but yes, let's be rid of the children's padded bras and baby string bikinis!
Cynthia Meents said…
I fault the designers and producers of these baby bikinis and prosti-tot outfits, but mostly I fault the parents. What are they thinking?
Amy said…
Ugh, that is disgusting! The bikini on the baby. Blech. Bra's for seven year olds? This just breaks my heart. No wonder society is so screwed up.
Christina Lee said…
What seven-year-old even WEARS or thinks about wearing a bra?!?! SICK!

Yeah we love angry birds in this house too!
Nicole said…
I guess my step-daughter's crack always shows at her mom's house with the jeans she buys. I"m not sure what she buys vs what we buy but her mom sent my hubs a text asking where we buy her jeans b/c we don't generally.... generally being the key word have that problem. But yeah, why are they trying to make little kids grow up way to fast. next thing you know we'll have kindergarteners losing their virginity, because they want to not b/c it was against their will (like rape, etc)

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