Proud Mommy Moments

Santa is watching so these kids have to be on their best behavior.   Here's what has been going on with the CA kids....


Has a 3.0 GPA!  She sweated for this one.  And we couldn't be prouder.  Not only that, but....drum roll please.... she stepped far out of her comfort zone and auditioned for the musical.  We will not know if she has been cast until Friday.  And if not, she is going to try out for ensemble.  I love her courage.  She has really grown!


She blows me away sometimes.  Each night this week, she has sat quietly and done her homework.  All of it.  Wow.  She is not a homework kid.  We fight it.  It's a horrible battle with tears, yelling and bribery.  It's ugly.  So to see her sit and just do it is awesome.  Not only that, she showed her sweeter side yesterday and this morning.  She wanted to make sure her sister got some of the cookies I bought--they got eaten up and gone in one day.  She also wanted to make sure Ryan was okay--he had to go to the doctor.  He is fine--swollen tonsils but no infection.  Just her genuine concern for her siblings touched me.


Has passed level one of his "rainbow" words and is now on level two.  I went over them with him and was so impressed with how easily he read them.  He said, "Mom they are the same!"  Some of them are the same but there are new ones too. 

Link up with EmmyMom and KMama to share your Proud Mommy Moments!


Macey said…
My kids are still thinking they have time to make up for being brats...Christmas is a couple weeks off so they think yesterday and Tuesday will be forgotten. Little buggers.
Rachel said…
yay! Nice job to all! And cute picture!
Emmy said…
YEA!! All great things to be proud of. How is Ryan feeling today?

And the no homework battles oh that would be a wonderful glorious thing!
Nicole said…
Did you tell them what my mom used to tell me.... Santa can take all your presents back... LOL
mormonhermitmom said…
YAY! We love 3.0! and getting homework done! and knowing the words we thought would be hard!
Sweet sweet moments. I loved them all, but especially that Emily sat and did her homework without. I would like to bottle up her new attitude and feed it to my daughter. :)

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