Proud Mommy Pictures

Cool fingernail design that Kristin painted by herself.  She saw it online and copied it. She used fine tipped brushes and a lot of time.
Anytime that these two get along is a proud moment
Finding this in my camera roll on my phone.  It's just the beginning of yet another family photographer.

These are just few gems I came up with this week for Proud Mommy Moments with Emmy and KMama.  Have you got a moment of glory or shame to share?  Link up today.


Liz Mays said…
I'm pretty darn impressed with her nail skills. There's no way I could replicate that.

Love all the camera phone shots. :)
Emmy said…
Those are great nails! And the fact that she can do it on herself- I could maybe paint my left hand nicely (since I am right handed) but the other way-yeah not holding my breath.
Cute pictures.
Thanks so much for linking up
Unknown said…
WOW! Those are some fancy nails! Can she come do mine? lol!

Love it when the kiddos get along! We've been getting along all in our home too. It's a real blessing!

Awww, what a sweet picture.
Kmama said…
Her nails are awesome!! Not only can I not even paint my own nails in a normal way, I could never do that (nor would I have the patience). That's awesome!
Nicole said…
Kristin did an AWESOME job on her nails! and your son looks like you! You couldn't disown him if you wanted!
Macey said…
Her nails are awesome and those 2 pics on the bottom are awesome. You should frame that bottom one especially. Such a candid and real self portrait he did himself. Really cool.
Mom of 12 said…
Awesome nails! How much does she charge?
Christina Lee said…
Wow, impressive!!! *cute kids*
Shell said…
Anytime my kids get along is a good moment here, too!
Amy said…
Wow, those nails are amazing! Absolutely beautiful! And when kids get along, it is always a good moment.

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