Drop Off

I want to gripe talk a little about "drop off" at school.  Particularly at the elementary level.  I don't like to brag, but I like to think of myself as a semi-professional at this drop off thing.  Let's look at the the words ... drop off...to me this implies dropping off.  All too often what I am seeing is parents who drop their child off and watch and wait and wait as their child walks and makes their way all the way inside the school.  Okay, I get it.  This is your child.  She/he is your baby.  Blah blah blah!  If you really want to treasure and cherish each moment, park the car and walk with the child.  I have another child who goes to another school two miles away and on three days a week a husband who needs to get to work.  I do not have time to watch you make sure Baby Boo gets inside okay.  If that is priority one for you, then park it and walk! 

I know I sound heartless, but I have been at this for 9 years now.  And even watching my own baby bound out of the car, I promise you I am pulling away  before he even reaches the gate.  And he is fine.  He happily gets to where he needs to be.  And here's the best part.  When I pick him up...that is when I park and walk to greet him.  He rushes to me with a big smile and arms wide open.  Nothing beats that.  And we walk together and talk about his day.  It's awesome.   And I am not in anybody's way.

So what do you do at drop off?


Emmy said…
Totally agree! Saw that all the time last year- at our new school there are teachers there that keep thIngs moving pretty good
Amber said…
hah - reminds me of last week's episode of Modern Family!
mormonhermitmom said…
Okay, I have been guilty of watching him get into the schoool. However, in my defense, the door that is closet to his classroom is sometimes locked when we get there and he has to go the long way around. I drop him off for afternoon kindergarten which is much less crowded than before school and after school. I let my older kids bike to school and they start walking him home and I pick him up about a half mile from school thereby avoiding the traffic crush in the dropoff circle. When he is able to ride a bike he's going to bike it with his older sibs.
Christina Lee said…
No comment *whistles* (but I AM getting better at it)!
Liz Mays said…
I'm all about efficiency. In and out, let's keep moving, people!
Nicole said…
haha, can't help ya out there ;)
Macey said…
I'm also a pro at the drop off line. I'm pretty sure one of these days I'll rear end someone just out of road rage.
Shell said…
My two who I can drop off- I'm moving before the door is fully shut again. ;)
Mrs Montoya said…
I'm a HUGE fan of drop off. Our school mandated this year and I am in and out of the lot on my way to coffee in 10 minutes or less. LOVE IT!

And the kids do not care!

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