Curse You Blogger!

I know what you are thinking...where the heck is DWTS???  It's a good thing I don't get paid to do this--though we all know I should!  ;)  I spent two hours writing and working on my recap.  I was ready to publish and go to bed.  Blogger had not saved my rewrite!  Thankfully all my notes are still there.  I will be posting the recap tomorrow.  I simply do not have time to get it out this morning before school and other errands.  Bad blogger!  Arrrgh!

See you tomorrow with my recap.


Nicole said…
I started to watch Monday night, more for noise in the background and hubs was like, really? so I wound up watching something that was recorded.
Nicole said…
And usually he's just as in to watching as I am! Just thought I should point that out.
Emmy said…
Stupid blogger :( Sorry
mormonhermitmom said…
"Mama said there'd be days like this..."
Uhg. I've had that happen several times with Blogger.
Rachel said…
I've cursed blogger a number of times myself! Soooo frustrating!
Lene said…
Stupid Blogger. But more importantly...why is Chaz still there?!?
Nicole said…
can't wait to here your recap! and I agree you should totally get paid for these!

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