Proud Mommy Moments--Random Style

"The next person who burps at the dinner table will be doing the dishes!"  Silence.  It worked great until I got up from the table and then Emily let loose.  So proud.  She did the dishes with only a little protest. 

"It's because of my testology" a reason given to me by Ryan as to why he shouldn't go to school.  Really.  You're not even six yet (almost) and you are already inventing illnesses to miss school!?  So proud.  In his defense, he does have either a cold or his allergies are running amok.

Holding her cell phone, hanging her head out the car window at 50MPH and taking her picture.  I told her not to.  Luckily her phone remained in her hands.  The picture was hilarious.  I tried to get her to upload it to Facebook.  She refused.  A funny picture.  A risky move.  The teenager.  Another proud moment.

These are just a few of the many happenings that go on daily at our house.  Who can keep track of them all?  But it sure is fun to link up with EmmyMom and KMama to share the really good ones good or bad!  Follow the links and see who else sharing their Proud Mommy Moments!


Nicole said…
awwwww you have such inventive and beautiful kiddies!
Liz Mays said…
They sure keep you giggling, don't they?
Emmy said…
Phew! Very lucky she didn't drop her phone. You will have to show me the picture on Sunday. Thanks so much for playing along
I admit.. I've done riskier things for a photo!
Nicole said…
I like the threat :) but what would have been better had you said you or your husband burped right when you got up :)
Macey said…
Your kids are hilarious. :)
mormonhermitmom said…
Hmmm, dishes for burping at the table? You might have something there.
Amy said…
Hahaha! I want to see that picture! Your blog isn't facebook, right? Can you snag it and post it?

Kids are the best entertainment in the world. Period. End of story.
asdfasdfasdf said…
next thing you know he's going to be putting a thermometer under a lamp to stay home ;)

and i agree with amy, that picture sounds hilarious, you could try to get ahold of it anyway!
Kmama said…
I love "testology". So funny!! And I would have totally burped when my mom got up from the table too. Hee hee.

Thanks for playing along!

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