Generation X

If you were born after 1963 and before 1982 you are a gen X.  You come from a long line of great kids.  Our parents could let us play outside.  All day long.  UNSUPERVISED.  We walked to school.  We went to the park.  BY OURSELVES.  Not only that some great movies were made.

"Does Barry Manillow know you raid his wardrobe?"
"Don't mess with the bull young man.  You'll get the horns."

The Breakfast Club is probably my favorite movie out of all those Brat Packer movies.  And the most awesome thing about it, is it is still true today.  All those classes still exist.  The Princess, The Athlete, The Brain, The Basket Case, and The Criminal.

Generation X had some good moments.  But we also made some poor choices...
Who told us this was a good way to wear our hair?  Raise your hand if you could ride a roller coaster and come off it with not a hair out of place?  No?   Just me?

We saw real tragedy for the first time in our lives.

Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion

We had totally rad Sony Walkman's.   We spent Friday nights at the roller rink.  We tried to master the crane technique.  Yes we Gen X kids are totally rad!  

Today's post was brought to you by the letter X and by Miss Jenny Matlock!!

Jenny Matlock


mormonhermitmom said…
Eeeeeeeeexcellent dude!

I was one of those kids that tried to make their bangs go the opposite way and hang a few inches in front of my eyes.
Lisa H. said…
Perms, shoulder pads, tapered jeans, 8 track tapes, and Duran Duran. The only one I miss is Duran Duran.
Christine said…
Duran Duran will be on Ellen tomorrow.
Don't forget feathered hair, I spent an hour every morning doing that, only to have it flop by the time I got to school.
Mrs Montoya said…
LOVE IT! Parachute pants and swatch watches. And I remember the exact moment of the Challenger Explosion and poor Christa Mcauliffe. I'll always think we are the coolest generation.
Nicole said…
I thought I was considered part of Generation X.... and I was born in 83.... oh wow, I forget...
Rachel said…
I guess I missed it by one year too. Though I think the late 80's and even the early 90's had about as neat of hair. . . :)
Susan Anderson said…
All my kids are Gen Xers. Well, the youngest was born on the cusp, 1982.

Amy said…
Wow, that sure brings back memories! Such a fun time. And it breaks my heart that I can't let my kiddos play outside unsupervised. Sigh. The world was just so much safer thirty years ago.
Emmy said…
Gen X here! I was near the end of it and well not that cool so I never had the bangs- or wait maybe that makes me cool :)
Macey said…
Yay for Gen X!!!
Man, I hope there are going to be some good psychiatrists in the generation behind us....that way we can get GOOD therapy.
Trooper Thorn said…
Sweep the leg Johnny!
Teresa said…
What a blast from the past! The Breakfast Club was the first R-rated movie I got to see in the theater. The hair--yes hairspray was purchased in bulk!
A great post with great memories, I didn't realize I was part of the Gen X. Thanks for the fun post.
Jackie said…
I am a gen X'er but what a great testimonial ! Is that your hair? I love your hair! I wore big jeans that covered my feet with high cork bottom shoes but the worst thing I ever did was perm my hair . I ruined it , so sad :(
Judie said…
The more things change, the more they stay the same! It's really true.
Anonymous said…
What a flashback! Thanks for the gen-x trip down memory road - and an awesome 'x' post.
Wow... I was born in 83, but I love the 80s! Its so funny how dated some "looks" are. I'm sure 20 years from now the mellenials will be looking back and laughing too.
Jenny said…
Can I just say that from a Boomer's perspective, I think Gen X definitely had it more wayyy more together than we ever did.

What a fun post!

You always come up with something xceptional.

A+ and my apologies for my late visit this week.

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