Did You Miss Me?

Did you miss me yesterday?  "Of course we missed you, CA Girl!  Where were you? Is everything okay?"  Well I was fine most of Wednesday.  I went Wally and bought boring stuff and birthday presents.  I was still dragging through the time change, and hoping that this day would turn it around.  Not only did my day not get turned around, it also turned ugly around 8 or 9 at night.  My stomach started getting very cranky with me.  I passed it off as girl stuff.  I ate a snack and almost immediately wished I hadn't.  My stomach went from cranky to downright tumultuous.  I had a very rough night filled with dreams of eating strange things including cotton candy to cure my stomach.  Yes.  Cotton candy.  I don't even like it when I feel good.  I spent most of the day sleeping and nursing on crackers and soda and soup.   

But I am back now, maybe not at 100% but I am back, and just because I felt all yucky doesn't mean I have nothing to confess....

  • I don't do sick very well.  At all.  And by sick, I simply mean the throwing up kind.  I don't want to be sick with any kind of sick.  But that one is top of the list bordering on a phobia.  Emetophobia.  Yeah it is for real.
  • Thursday morning I literally didn't care if the kids made it to school.  Well I cared on some level because I wanted sleep.  Rich took them to school.  
  • I told him he had to.  He would have anyway.
  • I am a germ-a-phobe...Mysophobia.  I wash my hands after grocery shopping because my hands feel "icky" or "contaminated" some how.  
  • If I get wind of another person being sick.  I don't want any contact until they are all well.  Because I don't do sick very well.
  • I think my kids have a phobia of homework.
  • I am kind of a nerd of sorts and just looked at the site with the list of all phobias.  I didn't even get through the A's.  There's a lot of fear in the world.
  • So what about, "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself" then?
What are you afraid of?


Now head over to my photoblog to see some edits I did in Lightroom!!


Nicole said…
My husband thinks I'm a germ-a-phob too! you're in good company!
Rachel Sue said…
It is good you are not me. I throw up all. the. time. It's kind of ridiculous, actually. I'm fairly certain that my brain lives in my stomach, because I am pretty psychosomatic.
VandyJ said…
Bugs and Spiders make my skin crawl. Especially if they think they need to live in the house with me.
Anonymous said…
Not a fan of heights...like at all. But I don't really worry much about germs which really I should worry a lot more about than heights. Go figure.
My daughter has that same homework phobia. I have a phobia a making her do her homework. It's a painful experience. Janae
Cheeseboy said…
Wait. You missed a day? Hadn't even noticed.

I think that I am not sick much lately because of all the antibodies I have built up being around all these first graders too. But my wife hates when I do actually get sick, because I am a real Pain in the...
Emmy said…
Throw up definitely is the worst, just something not fun about the things you ate coming back the way you ate them. I hope you keep feeling better and yes I kept checking your blog all day yesterday, I missed you :)
Mrs. Match said…
ugh I definitely hate throwing up. Ironically whenever I am nervous or upset, my stomach is the first to suffer.

I don't have any full blown phobias but I have a pretty big fear of spiders and heights. I dislike elevators but I go in them when I have to.
Amy said…
Oh you poor thing! I am so sorry you are sick. Really. I hope you feel well soon. Now stop blogging and get back to resting! ;)
Anonymous said…
I'm afraid of things that don't actually exist. Like we have this old brick grill thing in the yard and I always think some creature is going to jump out of it at me. Has never happened but I am still scared!
I am sorry you were sick - I hope you feel better soon.

I am the same way about washing my hands after grocery shopping (especially) - I do it first thing. One day I should count how many times a day I really do wash my hands.

I think my kids have homework phobia too :)

I am afraid of driving next to big rigs, which is probably due to a horrible accident when I was younger. I cannot drive next to them!

Have a great weekend!
mormonhermitmom said…
I fear my kids fear homework too.

My phobias come and go. I fear to name them because what I fear they might come true.
Nicole said…
Spiders! big creepy crawlers! but honestly i'm getting better. I've killed a couple and I'm becoming desensitized I think! otherwise I fear time going by too fast:)
LOL I wash my hands all the time...and definitely after the grocery store! That place is contaminated!
shortmama said…
throwing up is definitely the worst kind of sickness...ick!
Mamarazzi said…
i am afraid of spiders and other bugs.

glad you are back, hope you are feeling 100% soon!
Rachel said…
I am fine with snakes but I HATE spiders!

Sorry you aren't feeling well? Feel better soon!

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