Don't Judge Me

 Don't judge, just play along with Glamazon and Mamarazzi!

I stay up late night after night and drag my feet through out the day.  Why?  So I can enjoy a few precious hours without having any demands made on me.  So I can watch a show I like.  So I can read an entire blog without being interrupted.

Normally I am overjoyed about kids in school.  I am not feeling it this year.  I just want to sleep in and be lazy.  

I bought the complete 5th season of Bewitched.  Oh how I loved that show.  How could I resist?  It was $10!  Two days later I bought the complete first season of 21 Jump Street.  It was $2.50.  How could I resist???

I have baskets of clean folded laundry.  It is waiting to be away.  Some weeks are like that.  

I don't watch Super Bowl.  I tune in through out to see the score and catch a commercial, but with the internet who needs to even do that?

I made rolls.  From scratch.  I forgot the salt.  D'oh!  I hate when I do stuff like that.  Kristin told me it was okay, "Even Tony Hawk falls down sometimes."  I love her.

Thanks for not judging me.  Now go and visit my photo can judge there.


Macey said…
21 Jump Street??
Totally judging you.

VandyJ said…
I usually have baskets of clean laundry taunting me, cause I'm too lazy to fold it. I did good last week and only the towels sit in the dryer--unfolded and unseen--they can't laugh at me when I can't see them.
Aubrey S. said…
Yay for good deals on dvds.
Rachel said…
I wish I could be Samantha.. oh the fun I would have ;)

Have a great weekend
jennykate77 said…
"Even Tony Hawk falls down sometimes." That's awesome.

I do the same thing with the laundry. I justify by saying "at least it's clean!"

I've been a serious night owl this week. We've been snowed in and I haven't been to work since Monday. My bedtime has been anywhere from midnight to 2am. I'll have to get that straightened out before Monday!

Enjoy your weekend!
Nicole said…
Don't worry, our preacher once forgot to put sugar in cinnamon rolls... imagine how those tasted...
Linda Medrano said…
You've been a bad bad girl. I love that in a woman.
mormonhermitmom said…
You have baskets of clean FOLDED laundry? You overachiever you!
Shell said…
I'm the same way with staying up too late. Can't help it!
Emmy said…
Those are great deals. Lately I have been in bed by 10:30 every night, there is something nice about it...though I am still crabby during the day...hmmm
Amy said…
I sort of have a crush on Detective Tom Hanson and also Doug Penhall. Especially when they become the McQuaid Brothers. Love that show. And what an amazing and supportive daughter you have.
Anonymous said…
I loved Bewitched, too. I used to wish I was Tabitha. Ditto on the sleep deprivation. Does it make your fibro flare up? Mine sure does.
Unknown said…
Wait...what? I was interrupted too many times reading this post!! I hear ya! I would do anything to read just ONE without an interruption! No judging here :)
Mamarazzi said…
it is 1:09AM...i get the whole quiet thing. totally.
Penelope said…
Judge you? I think I AM you!

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