Ten Things

Normally Emmy does this meme on the last Tuesday of the month, but with the holidays and being busy as we all have been, she waited til today.  So you haven't missed it and you can still play along.  It's a great way to look back and see the good that has been in your daily life.  I like to use my pictures as reference.  I am a very visual person.  And in looking at December I found there was much to smile about. So where do I begin!?

 Kristin looking so lovely for Winter Formal.  Even with a cast on!
Fall finally arrived
Ryan finally sat with Santa
Ryan's first school performance:  The Nutcracker.  He was an Arabian Dancer.  That's him with the yellow hat front and center!
seeing my nephew for the first time in 9 years!!
And the fact that Kristin remembers him!

Fake snow & a fantastic light display

This actually spans three houses.  It's quite spectacular complete with a synchronized show.
Learning a new photography trick.
Making cookies on Christmas Eve
Smiles on Christmas morning!  Top:  Emily getting her Littlest Petshop Cruiser.  Left:  Ryan getting his skateboard and Right:  Kristin getting her "Jacob" blanket.  She may want to be buried with it!

New Year's Eve and all the silliness that ensued!  
Oh and then there was this little bit of happiness....

Since I didn't number these, I lost count.  I think I went over ten.  Some were grouped as one so maybe I don't have enough.  At any rate.  It was a great month with lots of happy memories.  What had you smiling in December?


Shell said…
What a happy month! You look fabulous!
Cheeseboy said…
Guys dig casts. Looks like a very busy month. Cool that you got to see your nephew.
See Mom Smile said…
You look hawt! We did not need fake snow here yesterday!
Emmy said…
Cool bokah shot! Gotta love when fall finally comes in December :)

And that Santa picture is so cute, great smiles from all three.

thanks for playing along :)
Nicole said…
Looks like a great amt of joys!
Nicole said…
What a great holiday!! Love all the pics, and you look fabulous!!!!
Macey said…
Okay, but if you're 6 ft tall and your nephews a head above you, how the heck tall is he???
Rachel said…
Beautiful!!!! That pic of you at the end. So pretty! What a fun fun month!
Rachel Sue said…
She does look lovely! Just not too happy that she's having her picture taken. . . .:)
Liz Mays said…
You are beautiful!!!! As are the kids, all of them!
Amy said…
What a wonderful month for you! I love that. And what is this I hear about not seeing your nephew in nine years? I think I would cry! It is hard living far from family, isn't it?
hawkeyejlp said…
Great job on the weight loss!! Thanks for sharing.
Mrs Montoya said…
oooohhh I love your new photo trick. I'm a basic point and shoot kinda girl so I love it when someone does something sophisticated!! I am not sure how much you've lost, but you look great. Congratulations!!

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