Ten Things

It is that time again!  To reflect on things that have made you smile during the past month.  Emmy who is our lovely host usually does this on the last Tuesday of the month, but since she just got back from a trip she is doing it tomorrow.  So if you still want to play you can! 

I for one, can not believe that another month has gone by, but also that the month in question is OCTOBER!  Oh and if you are familiar with NORAD tracks Santa...that is 60 days away.  Yes...60.  Two months people.  But I am not blogging about that event.  I am blogging about ten things that made this CA Girl smile in October!

1.  A birthday party for a special boy
2.  Another birthday party for another special boy!
3   Finding Costumes for all three kids for under $35!
4.  Even finding one for me for under $10!
5.  Looking for work does not make me smile...but nearly fitting into a size 12 does!!
6.   Seeing and hearing Ryan start to read.  
7.   Kristin for working so hard
8.  Emily for making marked improvements
9.  Rain...yeah I really like it.  It feels like winter.  I want to snuggle under a big blanket with a book and some hot chocolate!
10.  Making 100 followers!  Now that made me smile ear to ear!

I love doing this each month as it makes me realize all the good I got going on.  What are you smiling about?


Liz Mays said…
Rain makes me feel the exact same way. You know you're scaring me about Christmas!
Emmy said…
I didn't use to feel that way about rain but after living in sunny dry places for many years I totally feel the same.

What are you being for Halloween?
Kellie said…
I had a rough night/morning, but just reading this is inspiring- thanks!
Anonymous said…
You've got a lot of good stuff going on! Congrats on the followers and the size 12's. Woo to the hoo!
Linda Medrano said…
The Giants and the Rangers! The Giants and the Rangers! The Giants and the Rangers! The Giants and the Rangers! The Giants and the Rangers! The Giants and the Rangers! The Giants and the Rangers! Oh, did I say "The Giants and the Rangers"?
Amy said…
What great things to smile about, and rain is one of my best friends, and I am so close to a 12. So very close. Wow, you had an amazing month. Awesome.
CB said…
You found three costumes for under $35 bucks - You ARE the mom!! Good job.
And I too, have been enjoying the rain. We have snow on our mountains today - Love that too - bring on the hot chocolate!!
Laura said…
Woohoo size 12!
Yay for Ryan reading, that is so cool. And for all the great cheap costumes.
Congrats on 100 followers, you rock girlie!!
It can't really be just two months off. That's scary!

I felt good seeing the whole Halloween costume come together and that my daughter twirls constantly when dressed like a princess.
mintifresh said…
Yay for size 12's! and congrats on the 100+ followers! :)
Kitty Deschanel said…
You must have snatched up all the Halloween costume bargains!
Mrs Montoya said…
Great job on the costume deals. We weren't quite as lucky!! I love to see others Ten Things and loved that someone else was enjoying the rain. Now that it's 90 degrees again I wish it would come back!

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