Frogs Frogs Frogs!

When my mom first moved to this area in October of 1994 it was a very different and small town.  There were 3 street lights.  The new McDonald's was like super big news.  It has grown from about 30 thousand to over one hundred thousand.   There is a beautiful greenbelt that winds throughout our neighborhood and we both are backed up to it at different places.  

My mom's first winter here, was an unusually wet one.  Her back yard was literally a pond.  There is a picture of her holding a ruler to show the depth of the water.  The water reached up to her patio door.  But what does that have to do with frogs?  Well, I am so glad you asked!  See this was before all those great calling plans came about, and cell phones were a precious thing.  I lived in Northern Ca, and we would send audio letters to each other.  One time, she included the sound of the frogs that had taken up residence in her backyard.  It was unbelievable.  There must have been thousands of them.  It was like you were in the middle of frog central.  It was insane!  

That Christmas, I sent my mom a frog.  Not a real one!  Gees!  That's just weird.  No this was a little plush frog.  Or a key chain.  I honestly don't remember now.  But it was received with laughter, and it started a long running joke of giving my mother a frog of some sort for all gift giving occasions.  Every where in her house you will find a frog.  Some are stuffed, some are pewter, some are glass.  She even has salt and pepper shaker frogs.  It's a long running joke that has turned into a tradition.  And it all started from a symphony of frogs. 
What funny things do you collect?

Jenny Matlock



Do you remember my Halloween truths and lies?  Let me refresh your memory...

1.  I was Madonna for deed I was.  I know.  Your image of me is totally blown now.  I was 21, super skinny, and super nuts!  Looking back, I think, "What possessed me!?"
2.  I was a PlayBoy Bunny....indeed I was!  At age ELEVEN no less.  You have to understand that this was when PlayBoy was in its peak.  Every little girl was dressed up like a bunny.  But mine was the best costume.  My mom--yeah what was she thinking?  She will tell you she doesn't know...because she really doesn't.  Anyway, she made the ears with coat hangers and satin material.  They looked like the real deal.  I had the cuffs, the collar, and my poofy tail was made with yarn.  I just wore a pink bathing suit.  Heels!  Holy cow!  Nuts.  
3.  I was Marilyn Monroe.  Nope.  But one day...I will be.  She is what Madonna tries so desperately to be and will never achieve!  

So now....are you ready???

1.  I'm totally geeking out about Harry Potter coming November 19th!
2.  I am going to see it in IMAX
3.  In costume

Now link up and play along.  You can also play the alphabet game with Miss Jenny!  She is lots of fun!  I promise she won't bite.


Shell said…
A bunny? That young? How funny!

I will go with that you are not going to watch the movie in costume. But, my 5 year old is HP for Halloween and he wants to go see the movie with me and wear his costume. We'll see, though. I don't mind letting him watch some of the earlier movies, but they get darker.
Laura Lynn said…
I love the frog story! For me it's owls. My grandmas gave me a quilt with owls on it when I was about 6 and I've liked them since.
And a child playboy bunny - hilarious!
mle said…
Oh boy! if there is one thing that really gets to me it's frogs *call me crazy*! So it would be a true labor of love to live there!!! Your mommy LOVES you!!!!
You should post pics of your Madonna & Bunny days : )
Emmy said…
That is a fun frog story! All three of those things could be true, but I am going to go with the costume as the lie.
Frugal Vicki said…
Well, the first has to be true...or all three would be a lie....unless it doesn't come out on that date (I have no idea). I am going to say I don't think it is playing in IMAX.
that is funny about the frogs. My husbands grandma collects them, too. She has a ton of them!
mormonhermitmom said…
Once when we were looking for a house, we toured through one that had pigs everywhere - and smelled like cats.

Hmmm. I'm going to say you're not going to IMAX
Rachel said…
The playboy bunny things pretty hilarious! haha! I'm going to guess you won't be going IMAX.
Nicole said…
lol that is awesome that you were a playboy bunny! i think thats great! lol.

I don't think you will be in costume...or maybe you will, if you are I think thats awesome too!! I wish I had that much courage! I will be dressing up like a pink alien for halloween though:) but its halloween so it doesn't really count!

ps i love love love the story about the frogs with you and your mom! I love how things start from a simple funny happening to something really special!
The Drama Mama said…
I don't think you are going in costume either.
The Drama Mama said…
Oh, the first link goes to Jennifer Juniper's blog. I forgot I had linked her up last. ;)
Amy said…
What an awesome start to her tradition! I love collecting things, they are so fun. And a symphony of frogs would be something to hear indeed!

Just to be different I am going to say you are not excited to see HP but are going with someone who is dragging you to it. You are going dressed up and to the imax because you are being blackmailed and if you don't, a sensational news story of you and a moose and a jar of honey will be all over the big time news.
Nicole said…
Don't laugh but I collect shot glasses. This from a girl who doesn't drink shots! I have pretty close to 100 and then started a side collection of Harley Davidson Dealership Double Shot shot glasses.
Liz Mays said…
I wish the frog audio was still available and I could hear it!!!
sarah said…
can i please say how much i love frogs?! here in arizona we only see them during the rainy seasons or if we go hiking at a lake or river... but now that you mention it i have a video on my blog of frogs... just stopping by from miss jenny's... nice post... happy thursday! blessings...s...
What a fun story about how a collection got started! None of my collections are funny. sigh....
jen said…
I wish I lived by you, so we could go see the movie together. I CAN'T WAIT~! Just wish the second half wouldn't wait till summer.
Anonymous said…
I loved the frog story. Those inside jokes and traditions are the greatest. Thanks for sharing.
Ames said…
We have a pond behind our house so I know what you mean when you say Frog Central.~Ames
Judie said…
Once a year, here in Tucson, we have frog-festation. There are millions of them, little tiny ones, and they are in the streets and all over our golf course. They are cute, but the attrition rate is extremely high!
Unknown said…
Your frog story is priceless!
Jenny said…
Love your sweet little frog story link to Alphabe-Thursday!

I have a friend that collects frogs because her last name is Green!

It makes it easy for gifting, doesn't it!

Thanks for the smile tonight as I wrap up Alphabe-Thursday.


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