I Am Bad

I am BAD!  Bad bad bad! I tell you!  Here is why:  I do not volunteer at my kids' schools.  I don't want to.  Is that wrong?  I know there are teachers who read this. I am sorry, but I am that parent.  Now, when it comes to my own kid, you have my full attention.  Talk to me.  I will work with you to help her succeed.  I will send notes when I have a question.  I am not a pest, I won't get in your face.  You are the teacher.  But please, don't ask me to volunteer.  I am not cut from that cloth.  I like my quiet time. 

I am bad because I am already planning my evenings for TV viewing.  Wondering how I can fit that in with blogging. Priorities people!  There are a lot of new shows on this seasons.  I know I could do so much more than watch prime time TV.  But by the time night falls, it's about all my sad brain can handle.

I am bad because I stay too late.  Every. Stinking. Night.  Why?  I lose track of time.  And then I am really tired.  And the next day I am dragging my feet looking like night of the living dead.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I am bad because I procrastinate.  That's it. 

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Anonymous said…
I am bad because I do the same things. Are we twins?
Imaginative Me said…
LOL! Well, we are complete opposites. I will be volunteering at school, I hate watching prime time TV and I don't procrastinate... LMFAO! OK, the third one is totally ME. But still, I don't believe you are bad for any of that!
Linda Medrano said…
You are bad. I love that in a girl!
mormonhermitmom said…
I don't volunteer either because I still have a kid at home and don't want to get a babysitter so I can go help babysit someone else.
Mayra said…
Being bad is much more fun.

i'd volunteer if it was to go on trips to Disneyland and such. =)
Nicole said…
lol I stay up too late too! all the time! blogging and watching tv and I even try to fit in a glass of wine if I can! :)i wish there was a magic timer we could set back like 3 hours when the alarm rings.
Shell said…
LOL No one wants a volunteer who doesn't want to be there. :)

I stay up way too late blogging and watching tv...except for last night, when I was fast asleep at 8:30.
Shell said…
LOL No one wants a volunteer who doesn't want to be there. :)

I stay up way too late blogging and watching tv...except for last night, when I was fast asleep at 8:30.
Emmy said…
I want to volunteer simply so I can spy on my kids and see what they are like when I am not around.,yeah I need to cut the leash
CB said…
I do not judge because quite frankly I feel the same way. I am not really the "voluteer type" when it comes to the schools but I have 5 kids so I have done my share. The truth...There were moments but overall I didn't love it.
Some people just get really into it but I need my me time - ha ha!
Kellie said…
I always love your honesty. I'm so guilty with the staying up late thing, too!
KK said…
Oh if only I would learn to go to bed at a reasonable hour!
Cheeseboy said…
Quite honestly - Sometimes, no most times, volunteers are more trouble than they are worth for me. I hate having to THINK of stuff for my volunteers to do, which I almost always have to do.
Holly Lefevre said…
I do volunteer..not excessively...just for art lessons..oh yeah and room mom. OK, never mind I volunteer and I stay up WAY too late blogging and watching all my TV shows.
Lynn said…
It's already late as I write this and I'm nowhere near going to bed...so I'm with you!

Thanks for dropping by my blog!
Amy said…
Hmm, I am so glad I don't have the television problem as our tv gets horrible reception. But Netflix... well, Netflix keeps me up very late indeed! :)

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