Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast is probably my favorite Disney movie ever.  The Little Mermaid comes in at a very close second.  Beauty and the Beast is presented masterfully.  The ballroom scene is amazing.  Aside from the visual "beauty" this film amply gives, I love the overall feel of the movie.  The grand musical productions.  You almost forget it is a cartoon. 

Belle instantly became my favorite princess.   She is strong, smart and fiercely independent.  And of course like any other princess (to be) she is kind and gracious.  And of course she can sing! 

Belle does not need saving.  Another shinning quality about her.  In fact, Belle does the saving in this story.  She sacrifices herself to save her father's life.  "Take me instead." she pleads to the beast.  At the end as Gaston is battling against the Beast, it is Belle who comes to his aide.   And that is what I love about her.  She is not a sing songy wisp of a girl who pines for the day her prince will come.  She did not love the Beast on sight.  She fell in love with who he was.  Oh and she certainly was not afraid to speak her mind!  That is why Belle is my all time favorite Disney Princess!

Jenny Matlock

I have three children, but I have been pregnant 4 times.  The first one we were so excited.  I think we the world knew in less than 24 hours.  Unfortunately by the end of that week I had miscarried.  I waited the prescribed three months and well, 9 months later we had Kristin.

Yes, I know exactly when my Little Middle was conceived.  We were in Georgia at the time.  I remember feeling extra jet lagged when we got home.  Except the jet lag carried on...and on....and on.  My friend jokingly said, "Maybe your pregnant."  I was.

The boy did not take five years.  He did take 2 though.  In fact, my doctor offered to refer me to the fertility clinic.  I politely declined and told her I was putting it in the Lord's hands.  It wasn't long after that I became pregnant with Ryan.  I wasn't convinced despite feeling like I was going to puke every stinking hour of every stinking night and a day.  I bought a test for peace of mind.  It was positive.  

1.  My sister and I learned sign language in order to have secret conversations
2.  My sister and I played "Bionic Woman" together
3.  My sister and I locked our brother out of the house...twice.


Susan Anderson said…
Your Disney movie princess liking list mirrors my daughter's exactly.

For her 16th birthday, she took all of her friends to a play: Beauty and the Beast. (Some of them were less on board than others...)

She still loves these movies, and she is 32 years old.

Emmy said…
Yes and as much as I love the Little Mermaid if you think about the message it teaches- disobey your father and get what you want in the end..well not so good.
The Drama Mama said…
Belle is also my favorite for the very same reasons.

Your "facts" are awesome. Hmmm...I can see doing all of those things, so, I think I'm going to take a wild guess and say #1 is the lie. You may have had secret conversations, but I'm not convinced you both learned sign language to do it.
Jackie said…
The Beast and the Beauty was going to be my post. It is a religious powerpoint presentation of the beast of revelation 13 but decided against it . Love your B post .
NatureGirl said…
I heard they are doing the HD DVD rerelease soon...Happy AlphabeThursday!
Anonymous said…
I love the music from this movie. I too forgot that it was a cartoon.
mormonhermitmom said…
I loved the singing dishes.
Rachel said…
Seriously my favorite Disney Princess too! :)
Liz Mays said…
I'm guessing the lie is #3. I'll bet you locked him out even more than twice!

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie too!
Amy said…
When I asked which Disney Princess I want to be, I always say Belle. Mainly because of her love of books. I related to her the most. She really is the only one with her own mind, isn't she? I guess Jasmine is pretty stubborn as well, but that is different than having a head to think for yourself. Awesome.
I love Belle too, she's not only beautiful, but she loves books!
KK said…
I love the little mermaid, she's stubborn and independent like me, but still wants the prince. But I can't sing! I think 3 is the lie, you probably locked him out more :)
Kellie said…
Belle is the best princess, for sure (just don't tell my daughter I said that) Sorry about you 1st pregnancy :( that must have been tough.
Christina Lee said…
Love this! Yeah for princesses like Belle! THX for sharing that story! LOVE your stories!
Since I have two teenage boys, we didn't get to watch this one! However, I remember watching a tv show of Beauty & the Beast that I just loved with Vincent and Catherine. I think it was in 1987. Anyway, it was a fairy tale story for me that I enjoyed!!
lissa said…
love beauty and the beast, beauty is a great character and I think she is more of a real person than any other those other disney princesses

visiting from Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday, have a great day
Terra said…
I am personally not a big disney princess fan much at all...but if I had to choose...I would choose Beauty for her fortitude, her love, her resolve...
Unknown said…
I'm a film-buff too, especially children's movies. So far I have not seen Beauty and the Beast, but I will do that when an opportunity arises.
My cat Sara is posting about a film (15 years +). I may post more about a film on my blog too. (I am late and pressed for time!)
Best wishes,

Sara Cat's B-post (JennyMatlock)
Anna's B-post (JennyMatlock)
Jenny said…
Oh Lourie, I love Beauty and the Beast, too.

I think I've seen it approximately 47,518 times because all three of the Grands adore that movie, too!

I can never figure out the lies!

So I'll just say, sweet post. Thanks for linking to Alphabe-Thursday.


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