Sticky Notes and an Award

It's Sticky Note Tuesday.  I love these things.  They are sooo fun.  Head on over to Supah Mommy's if you want to play.  You know you want to. 


About a week ago, I was given The SunShine Award from Kellie over at Hendricks Family.

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world.”
Of course, awards come with rules…
1. Put the logo on your blog and/or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to other bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and the link to the person from whom you received this award

And the winners are: 
Well now this is so much the hard part!  But here goes....

Catherine from wink at me  she has me in stitches...Thursday's in particular!
Nikki at Simple Living...  she inspires and shares in her adventures.
Janiece at One Moment At A Time  She always has a cheery outlook despite her trials.
Linda at See Mom Smile.  She is my twin--we were separated at birth.  She is super funny, and she is me.
Jenny from Jenny Matlock.  Story time Tuesday is awesome.  But you couldn't meet a nicer cyber friend than Miss Jenny.  Hop on over to her place.

All of my bloggy friends bring sunshine to my day.  Check my profile and see who I follow.  Lots of sweet, funny, talented great ladies out there!  And I feel privileged to share their company.


Nicole said…
awwww thank you so much Lourie for this award!!! You absolutely deserve this award, I love reading your stuff and am truly inspired by it! I'm glad that I can inspire you too! I'm off to check out Miss Jenny:)
Anonymous said…
Lourie, you are too kind! Watch out this Thursday, the Homers are in trouble. xx
See Mom Smile said…
Ahhhhh!!! Thank you my sista friend! You are too kind. I will gladly accept! I need to borrow that sticky note to my house. It is crumbling around my eyeballs!
mormonhermitmom said…
I need that sticky note about sleep for myself.
sarah said…
I did WW for a while, it worked really well when I actually stuck to it lol

Good luck at your weigh in...I say you're gunna have a 4 or 5 pounds this week! :)
Janiece said…
thank you...your comment means the world to me.
Have an amazing day!!
Jenny said…
Awww, Lourie, you are a sweetie. I am really honored but because of time constraints I need to be an award-free blog for right now!

But it just makes me happy that you even thought of me

AND Congratulations to you!

You are sweet and you deserve all the blog-love that comes your way!

I haven't used Sudafed in ages. I LOVE Musinex and almost any kind of decongestent nasal spray.

Yay for you!
Tracie said…
My kids fight bedtime now like they did as babies. It's not pretty. And then they're grumpy in the am. I yi yi.

Good luck with the weigh-in!

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