One of the Deadliest...

One of the seven deadly sins is greed.  And yet, it is all around us.  How much are you paying for gas?  I will tell you I just paid $3.09 for regular.  I can't even remember the last time I put the good stuff in my poor car.  And why?  Because of greed.  I drink Diet Coke, and I accept no substitutions.  There just is no other.  And I guess the makers of Diet Coke know this, because why else would it cost $4.99 for a 12 pack!?  Seriously?  And who is getting the bulk of that profit?  The clerk?  The manager at your favorite store?  HA!  I don't think so.

Rich just bought plane tickets to fly to GA to see his parents renew their vows.  Now I am not completely daft.  I know flying isn't cheap.  I also know that flying across the country really isn't cheap.  But when airlines start charging for using the bathroom it is just too much!  Yes, one of the airlines has a charge for using the restroom.  That would be RyanAir.  Another airline has a charge for use of the overhead compartment.  Sadly, he can not remember the name of that one.  The one he went with, US Airlines, has charges for luggage that go as follows:  23 for the first bag, and 32 for the second.  If you want 3, then it is 100.  That is 100 for the third bag, not 100 altogether!  So let's say you and your family are taking a trip somewhere.  You are a family of 5.  All plane tickets cost the same regardless of age.  So let's just say your tickets cost $300 after fees and taxes. $250 x 5= $1,500.00.  Now let's suppose you and your spouse each have one piece of luggage and there are two between your kids.  So add to your $1,500 another $155.00 for all your luggage.  Now I am up to $1655.00 just to get there.  Seriously?  Do you know what all else you could do for that?  Is it just me or is this greed thing just gotten completely out of hand?

Be sure and check my other blog, Point and Shoot


Nicole said…
that is insane!!! charging to use the restroom is just completely ridiculous. I don't know what to do, I guess trains or boats or cars are always an option, but there is nothing like flying to hawaii because you are there in 10 hours...thats something I just can't give up!! :) I could give up bringing luggage though. When we flew there it was 20 bucks for interisland flights to bring luggage and 30 per bag for luggage just to go from the mainland to an island of hawaii. If I knew they were charging for carry ons I think I would boycott that airline. At least we know they can't charge you for bringing your purse! (or could they?) i hope not.
Jenny said…
It just gets worse and worse, doesn't it Lourie? But your trip sounds like fun!
First of all I LOVE the post picture!! It completely exemplifies the post.

It isn't just greed. It is a sense of entitlement. It is a poison in our society. There is no such thing as a free lunch and so people want the easy way out and it doesn't matter what it costs those around them.

Great post!
Emmy said…
Yes, it really is so expensive to fly. And seriously being charged for going to the bathroom?? That is just wrong and seems like it would be against people's rights.
Richard said…
Fortunately for our finances, it will be just me, myself, and I going to GA for my parents anniversary. It will be a fun time though.
Tracie said…
I remember years ago when some stores had public restrooms that required a dime to open the stall door.

The airlines are out of control. I'm leaving for NYC in a week and I've been trying to figure out how to get all my crap packed without paying a fortune. I don't think there is a way.
Shelley said…
OH MY GOSH. That's crazy expensive for luggage fees! What the heck do they need to charge that much for?? That's so frustrating! I would just opt out of bringing everything I need and ship it or something, haha!
Unknown said…
Wow...I had no idea it would cost that much....I haven't had a real vacation in like forever...ahhh...poor me....and if and when we go somewhere, we'll be driving for sure!!
mormonhermitmom said…

You could not take any luggage, just buy clothes from a thrift store and the little travel size toiletries when you get there and when you go home give the clothes back to the thrift store and throw away the toiletries because who wants to take them through security anyway.

I have no solution for the bathroom, except make sure you go before you get on the plane and don't drink anything enroute, which may be difficult if the flight is longer than two hours. :)
See Mom Smile said…
And the airlines are going to charge you more for #2 than #1 because you'll use more toilet paper!
KK said…
It's totally ridiculous and I will buy adult diapers for the flight. Oh yes I will!!!!
Aimee Larsen said…
You nailed it! I'm so glad I stopped by. Visiting from SITS. Have a happy Tuesday and come by sometime and visit me.

Christina Lee said…
um...WOW!!!!! unbelievable.

on a side note, I love that picture!

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