We Interrupt...

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog due to the water heater breaking.  The repairmen are here...they kind of look like thugs.  But I want hot water.  It really sucks not having hot water. 

Stop by tomorrow when I will be asking my question of the week!


Rachel said…
Yikes! Things like that are the worst because you never want to have to spend unexpected money on stuff like that . . . you always just wish it would work without ever getting fixed!

Good luck!
Richard said…
Fortunately for us the whole thing was covered under our home warranty! You never know when that will come in handy.
See Mom Smile said…
Oh so sorry. Hope your thugs smelled better than the last plumber we had at our house!
Lourie said…
Linda--HAHAHAHAHA! Ummmm...maybe a little smellier after the job was finished than when they first got there. ;)
KK said…
Ha, glad you have hot water again!

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