What's In A Name?

When I say Clark, do you think Kent and therefore head to Superman?  If I say, Edward, do you think Cullen?  And then go to Twilight?  It's true, we hear a certain name, and our minds automatically conjure up an image to go with it.  It could be a personal thing, or a famous thing.  Either way, whenever we hear a name it means something to us.  Clark Kent is a nerd but we all know who he really is.  Well there is a name that I have noticed that almost always is pseudonymous with kicking butt! Let's turn back the clock a bit tho...before this name meant opening a can of whoop ---!

Once upon a time in 1977 a show ahead of it's time started.   A man pretending to be gay in order to live with his two lovely roommates.  I loved this show.  Still do, and it is largely due to John Ritter.  Who couldn't love his lovable counterpart, JACK Tripper.
Jack Tripper was girl crazy, and almost always turned on.  He was sweet, funny and clumsy.  The character was loved and Mr. Ritter's portrayal of this guy lives on.  For years, whenever I heard the name "Jack" I immediately landed on him.  
Then I was introduced to another Jack....
Meet Jack Ryan.  He's a CIA Analyst.  But don't be fooled by that.  He's got what it takes and he is the Boy Scout type!  So now, Jack took on a different meaning.  He was no longer that silly sweet lovesick puppy.

What about Officer Jack Traven.  He did a lot of nutty things on that bus. 

Not only was his name Jack in the movie, but the actor playing him...well...what can I say??  He's Jack Nicholson!
Now who doesn't love him?  Sure he's a womanizing, rum swilling, sell-you-out-to-save-his-own-butt kind of  guy, but when it comes down to it, he makes the right choice and he fights to the death.  Captain JACK Sparrow.
 This guy comes across as mild mannered, but right before our eyes, and on day one, he goes into rescue mode.  Well, he is a doctor after all.  He also has to fix everything.  And he will do everything in his power to get it done.  Dr. Jack Shephard

But this guy is the one you want on your side.  He will do whatever it takes, no matter what the consequence to save his country.  To save his leaders.  To protect what is dear.  He doesn't mess around either.  If he has a gun on you, you better talk.  If you are lucky he will only shoot you in the leg.  JACK BAUER IS WHOOP A@#!  He will pull a knife out of his own flesh, and chuck it across the room with lethal accuracy and take out the bad guy. So if you were to ask me...I would say Team Jack.  Cause there is no other team. And if you don't think so, then you don't know Jack.


Laura said…
Yes! Isn't that so true!? When we were trying to name our kids my husband would be what about so and so and I was like no there was a kid in 3rd grade with that name I didn't like him. :)
Dr. Jake...cute!!
cat said…
my favorite Jack would have to be John Ritter's next Jack Sparrow, sorry that's just how it is.
mormonhermitmom said…
So which one would you say is "Jack the Knife"?

"Hit the road JAck, and don't you come back, no more, no more, no more, no more, Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more."

Sorry. The name "Jack" triggered a music moment.
Rachel said…
I never realized they were all named Jack! A guess it's a good name. Jack from LOST is my favorite.
Carolynn said…
Love your finale sentence. Go Jack!
Emmy said…
This is why it is so hard to come up with a baby name! Too many associations :)

And I think of Lost first too
elzimmy said…
Clearly, I don't watch enough TV or movies as I had no idea any of those characters were named Jack. Or maybe my memory just sucks. Apparently, I don't know jack.
Rachel Sue said…
You know, a while ago I was pointing out that there are so many Jack's in the movies and on TV, but very few in real life.

And, you forgot my favorite one, I'm afraid. Jack (Bill Pullman) in While you were sleeping.
KK said…
Mmmm, I love me some Jack :)
Holly Lefevre said…
When you say Clark...I think Griswald! I LOVE the name Jack! I wanted to name Joe Jack, but I lost to my husband wanting to name him after a grandparent.
Christina Lee said…
I so love this post!!!I relate to three Jack's--from 24, Lost and Three's Company--and didn't even realize it!!
I loved John Ritter.... Three's Company was to funny. I have to admit I enjoy most of these Jack's.
Tracie said…
My dad's name is Jack and my son is Jackson. :)
Joy@TPMG said…
I never realized how many Jack's there were. I think my fave is Dr. Jack Shepard from Lost.

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