So Many Questions

The other day as I drove my kids home from school and I made my usual right turn at our usual corner off the main street...there was some jack#@* wise guy parked there with a friend leaning into the passenger window talking to them.  I had to make a very wide right turn to get on the street.  He is lucky the corner is not real obstructed from that direction.  And further more he is lucky there wasn't a cop around!  Which brings me to this...on my way to the grocery store, I noticed a cop car double parked next to another.  They were obviously talking about a very serious case and how they were going get the bad guy.  I mean why else would they break the law like that?

My brother-in-law used to be a cop.  He told me once how many times he had seen officers abuse their authority and how angry it would make him.  He told a couple of vague stories that had my jaw sitting on the ground.  My BIL was a good cop.  And I am certain there are many.  So if you know someone who happens to be a cop, I am not bashing them personally.  I am just saying it totally irks me, when someone who has taken an oath to uphold the law should not be allowed to break them at their convenience.  Am I wrong here?  I mean for all I know they were planning something, but isn't that what a parking lot is for? My guess is they were bored cause they had already met their quota.  Oh yes they do.    Besides, I am certain that if you or I did that, we would get a ticket of some sort.

Now that I have that question out of my head, here is another one for you to ponder.  On Saturday, I went bra shopping.  Yay.  *insert eye roll and a huge sigh* Who among my bloggy sisters enjoy this activity?  That is not the question.  How often do you get new ones?  Did you know you are supposed to acquire new ones every three months?  I knew I was needing them.  It had been two years a while since I last bought them.  I prefer underwire for my girls.   Well, when said wire snaps and pokes through the sad remains of what was once a bra, the girls get kind of mad.  So I knew I needed to do it.  My hand was forced.  But hold on...I am not sure what size I really need.  Do you  know how to measure for a bra?  If not, go here and it will tell you.  But no this is not my question either.  At the risk of over sharing, I have to explain that after measuring myself 2 times and even letting my husband measure me, the result was the same. My girls have grown right along with me.  I am now ready for the D cup.  Here is where my question comes in.  Why are the big bras placed on the bottom of the display racks?  I am sorry for the A & B's, but you have far less to tote around so it would be a lot easier for you to bend down than us.  Yeah, I know it makes more sense to go A to D than D to A, but sheesh!   I was successful in my search and landed on Vanity Fair.  I was a bit mortified to see that I did in fact fit into the D cup.  Nicely.  I don't see myself --in that area--as needing something that size.  Take a look at one the next time you are out.   If you have ever wondered what the sizes mean, wonder no more.  Here is what they mean:

A ... Almost Boobs
B ... Barely there.
C ... Can't Complain!
D ... Dang!
DD... Double Dang!
E ... Enormous!
F ... Fake

Pictures of the Day
Remember her?
She's gone
The back


Emmy said…
Your hair looks great! I so need to get mine done.

I always thought I was a smaller size until I got measured at Victoria Secrets one time.. I forget the number of women that they say wears the wrong size, it is a lot!
mormonhermitmom said…
I avoid bra shopping like the plague. I'm calling myself "can't complain" and I'm sticking to it. When the latex in the strap snaps, then I'll go get new ones.
Carolynn said…
New Bra's every three months? Yikes! I am sure that has something to do with the bra manufacturers.

I was once told that people who become cops are power and control hungry. I did not say this by the way. Maybe some of them are.

Love your hair.
Not a fan of cops. I grew up in LA in a rough neighborhood.

Hate bra shopping and I didn't know it was every three months.

I like the back of your haircut = )

Richard said…
My wife has always been a DANG! but it has nothing to do with "the girls". The stuff she does with the kids, keeping the home, making me smile... it just... well... DANG! Love ya, dear.
Rachel said…
The only time I had bra troubles is when I was nursing my babies. What do you call a G size bra? I call it awful! There is a size that is too big! Normally I'm not much to talk about.

Your hair is so nice. It looks great. Makes me want to dye mine again.
Trina said…
That hair cut looks super jazzy!!!! Well I can tell you that it's been more than 3 months for me. Whenever I purchase new bras, I always ask the lady at the store to measure me. I am definitely in the market for a new bra after dropping a few pounds.
elzimmy said…
Let's see here:

1) My husband is a cop and it irritates me when people lump all policemen into the "bad cop" category. (Not that I think that's what you were saying, this is just in general.) Are there cops that are total jackasses? Yep. But there are also those who work really hard and have the best interest of the general public at heart.

2 - I don't necessarily avoid bra shopping, but I don't buy them regularly either. I had no idea you were supposed to get new ones every three months. I wear T-Shirt bras from Victoria's Secret and I heart them fiercely. But I only buy new ones like once a year. You know how they say orange peel looking skin on your tatas can be a symptom of breast cancer? Not long ago, I kept thinking I had that going on, then realized it was only indents from the inside of my bras. Heh.

3 - Snazzy new haircut!

Wow, this got long - sorry.
Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?
Christina Lee said…
haha love it!! Yeah a new bra is long overdue for me too!
KK said…
Double D since high school and a constant backache to prove it!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair!!!!!!!
Holly Lefevre said…
Cute, Cute hair! I will not tell you where I fall into the bra category...let's just say (almost) six feet tall, blonde, and ... will get you a lot of attention...good and bad!
You're hair is SMOKIN!!!! I love it!

Good/bad cop. I know there are some excellent cops, but the stories in the news about the cops that protect my city (chicago) are disheartening.

Bras. Shopping for bras is worse than swimsuits. You don't have to go swimming IMO you have to wear a bra. Plus if you don't like your swim suit you can get a coverup.

I have never heard of the bra cup sizes and what they mean, but that is hilarious!
Bra shopping was much more fun when I was single, for some reason.

When I was PG with Rachel, and outgrowing my bras, I went to VS and got measured. I had 'graduated' to a D. Unfortunately, all those lacey, cutesy things you see hanging up in the store aren't D cups. The 'big girl' bras are not as cute.

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