The Little Engine That Could

We all know the story of the little engine that could. That big hill and that chant of "I think I can!" Well today I am the little engine that could. I am at the bottom of a great climb and I need to keep telling myself, "I think I can!" I think I can.

Call it Post-Christmas Blues. Call it burn out. Call it whatever you want, cause I've got it. But hey, I got up! I showered. Yes ladies and gentlemen she did shower! And not only that...I used my new smelly soap that smells of raspberries and cream. I am dressed!!! So I have started to climb. I think I can.

I have business phone calls to make(which by the way, I detest!) and mount wahsmore to tackle along with the burning inferno that was once my somewhat presentable home. I know what needs to be done, and I am formulating a plan! I think I can.

I check my email first. Such a geek. And I have some new comments to my post from yesterday. Yay! I love comments! And then I got this from Emmy!
Well that put a smile on my face. Hey! I'm smiling! My spirits are lifting. No nothing is done yet...I haven't figured out to make things do themselves yet. And since I lack Samantha Stephens' magical powers, I guess I am stuck doing things the mortal way! I think I can. Now that I am smiling, I must return the here it goes....(in no particular order)

1. Jen from Buried with Children simply because I can relate to her on so many levels. Even tho I do not have multiples!

2. Holly from 504 Main. A CA sister who is crafty and witty and I thoroughly enjoy her.

3. A Hermit Mom Because I think we may have been cut from the same cloth. That I think our children are secretly conspiring against us!

4. Lene from Embrace the Chaos. I have an easy life I think compared to hers! And she always has a positive attitude

5. Lee the Hot Flash Queen aka The Ninja Jew! She is pure sass. If you are feint of heart this may not be the blog for you, but I think she is a crack up.

6. Molly from As Told By Molly. She is sweet and has such a beautiful family.

7. CJ from Simply Simonsons she always makes me smile, she a wicked deal finder and her little Shorty is just plain cute!

so here are the rules...unless you are the rebellious type....

1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.


Carolynn said…
Round up the troops...I know you can. Then you can relax and say, I did this.
Rebecca Talley said…
Mt. Washmore--that's very clever. And my house looks like a burning inferno, too.

Here's to thinking, "We know we can, we know we can, we know we can . . ."
Christine said…
I know you can, I know you can! Good for you for starting the climb. Feeling overwhelmed is a hard way to get the day started. Hang in there!
Lee said…
Thank you SO much!! I accept with honor between cleaning up puke and diarrhea from my son!!
mormonhermitmom said…
Okay we seem to be channeling Mt. Washmore, because that's how I think of the laundry piled on my bed!

And yes you can!
Emmy said…
Hey you got one up on me, I didn't shower yet today. But it was park day, so showering and cleaning is best done after the fact :)
Holly Lefevre said…
Thank you! Thank you!
Muchas Gracias!!! There will be a delay in the "official" acceptance but I will get it done!

Yea for showering. I did that today.
Jen said…
You are so sweet! Thank you for passing this award onto me. You really know how to make a girl feel special. :)
KK said…
I'm at the bottom of the hill with you. Maybe we can climb it together!
Lene said…
Well thank you very much!
I made it to the top of Mt Washmore Monday...well if you don't count putting it away.

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