
I received this award a couple of days ago from a new follower, Holly at 504 Main. We met through Mama Kat and her Thursday writing prompts. This is truly a warm fuzzy award. You give it to the bloggy friend who leaves you feeling all "warm and fuzzy" inside. And isn't this the best time of year to bestow this sweet gift. So it is now my turn to pass on the warm fuzzy feeling.

My first one goes to my sweet daughter, Kristin. Her blog is a treasure and definitely gives me those warm fuzzy feelings.

My cousin Rachel at The Rachel Way. Yeah, she is my cousin, but she is the very definition of "warm fuzzy"

CJ at Simply Simonsons. She is a sweet lady and I enjoy her cyber firendship

Molly from As Told By Molly. I love her stories about her family.

Now the rules are these:

-Display the award logo
-Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel comfy or warm inside
-Link to your Nominees and leave a comment on their blog telling them about the award.
-Link to the person whom you received the award.

Thanks again to Holly for giving me this award.


Wow! Thank you so much!
I am feeling so warm and fuzzy suddenly for some reason...

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