I Have A Question

I have decided to introduce a new section for my blog. It is the "I have a question" section. Sometimes, I just have a question that needs answering. And today, I have a question!

First, a little background. Last Friday I was making my weekly grocery list. As I wrote it, I sat reclining on my couch. I mean if I can do this comfortably why shouldn't I? No that is not the question. It is coming. After I finished my list, I sat up and attempted to put the recliner back in its "upright" position. Upon doing this, it got stuck and I heard a horrible crunch. Sometimes things get caught under the recliner: a shoe, a blanket and sadly sometimes a toy has met its untimely demise. I quickly let the couch go back into recline and got down to have a "looksee." To my dismay there lay my cell phone. I've had it for 3 years now and it has been dropped many many times. But this time was not good.

My phone is a clam shell phone with a small lcd screen on the front. When you open it open it up there is the bigger screen on the inside. Upon picking up the phone I see that the front LCD screen has been ruined. Cracked and spilling the liquid crystal inside the tiny screen. The clock barely visible. The phone was functional and the inside seemed unharmed. As the day progressed that front screen got worse. Now I am getting to the question...

We went to our service provider the next day to get me a new phone. I was up for renewal anyway. I text a lot and really wanted a keyboard. Knowing our financial limits, I chose an older style phone with a keyboard. I was happy. I am still learning how to work it.

The next morning, my daughter discovers when she uses the camera on her phone that there is a black dot on the screen. Not that we can afford another phone, but what is going on here? Again not the question. She is not up for renewal until November, which leads me to the question!

Why on earth is there this waiting period before I can upgrade a phone? I mean come on folks, these phones are not cheap. I know the real money is made in the service, but seriously who cares when I buy a phone? Especially when you have more than one line on the account. We have four. Is this just MY service or are they all like this? Hmmm I guess that is two questions.


Emmy said…
I can't answer you about whether it is just your company as I just have a cheap prepaid.. Do you get a discount on the new phone? If you do that might be why they don't want you changing all of the time.. if you just have to straight out pay for it though.. then I have no idea. Just one of those dumb things they can do so they feel like they have more power :)
Lourie said…
Yes they do have power! And too much! I do get a discount. The phone was on sale plus a $50 rebate--which I need to mail in! The one Kristin wants is on sale for $20! But as I said she is not eligible for the new one. Also, when the name holder--Rich--of the account renews he gets $50 automatically taken off. Not fair. Oh well.
Krissy said…
LOL I feel really sorry that your phone broke =(
silfert said…
I think it's a marketing ploy. By the time you're eligible for an upgrade, you're so desperate for something functional that you fork over more cash than you might have otherwise.

Probably wouldn't be much help to take a pciture of your backside with the camera phone and e-mail it to them... "Here's what I think of your service, creeps!" Fun thought, though...

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