The Ugly Truth

Right now in Southern CA there are wonderful and beautiful things happening. There is the migration of the Painted Ladies. I can't remember the last time I have ever seen so many butterflies in my lifetime. It is almost hypnotic! Thankfully, the entire area seems to be transfixed by the travelers and we all are driving(YES) slower as we watch them pass by in droves. I just wonder with so many of them flitting their wings, what will happen on the other side of the globe! These butterflies are stopping by or through our little spec of town due to our unusual and copious amounts of rains which have brought forth the poppies.

They are in abundance. As result, countless people are turning out to come and see the blooms. So much so that parks in the surrounding areas had to close off access for the poppy gawkers. My Instagram has been overloaded with Poppy posts. I love them. They are beautiful. They are the state flower. (FYI: It is illegal to pick the poppies in CA because they are the state flower.) I love to see the smiling faces among the blooms. But it got me thinking about the ugly truth behind the things we post.

How much realism do we actually put out there? Some put none, some let a leak through, and others are not afraid to share the burden and crosses they bare. When a person is sick or a loved is sick then we seem to be able to reach out more. The loss of a pet. But there is so much more that people go through and don't talk about.

We all have trials that we face. We put on our brave faces and smile brightly saying all is well. Perhaps a few know the battles we face daily, on going, or at this time but we don't always know what is going on for the poppy gawkers, the rainbow posters, or the selfie. We don't talk about our personal battles nearly enough. I believe the more we talk about them whether it be via text, face to face or (GASP!) on the phone (hey you do you) it might not create a solution, but it will definitely create a support system which something every human needs. What if I can't relate to their problem? It may not be your cross to bear, and that is okay. Example: My husband is on peritoneal dialysis which is done at home. I set it up each night and make sure he is connected to the machine. It's a huge commitment. A commitment that I am at peace with. Someone else might look at me and think they could never shoulder that care, think I am stronger than they could ever be. Here's the truth: You don't ever know until you are there. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it. Be my cheerleader. I need it. Someone else may have crippling depression where getting out of bed is the most challenging thing in world for them. The right words might be as simple as: have you eaten today? Make sure you drink some water too. Remind them they are worthy of self care.

The list is long. We could be here for days and weeks. The truth is we truly are not alone in this life. We are surrounded by friends and family who will be there for us during our difficult times. If experience has taught us anything, it teaches us who we can turn to when the times are rough.  Our humans are out there, just as we are for them. The key for each one of us, is to reach out to our humans (friends and family) when there is good, bad, and ugly. 


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