Ten Things to Smile About

Yes, I know it has been far too long. It may be a long time again, but here I am linking up with my bestie, Emmy.

Emmy Mom

1. This kid and his silly ways always make me smile everyday of the year.

2. Trying on a Medium shirt and having it fit!

3. Seeing this shirt at a thrift store and finding it oddly amusing.

4. This sweet girl being abundantly pleased with her birthday cake

5. Spending time with family even if it was short.

6. An impromptu one shot "photo shoot" for Father's Day

7. When my mom and I dressed alike without even trying. It happens a lot.

8. When Ryan invited his Dad to talk at Scouts as a hero. Just look at that face!
9. In a moment of weakness, Spencer put an arm over his brother.

10. I am actually on the fence about this one. But he sure is a happy kid.

That is what made me smile this month. What made you smile?


Emmy said…
Awe his face in that scout one is adorable!! That is definitely worth smiling about. Love that you and your mom matched :) Looks like it was a good month. Excited to see you this month!

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