Review Extravaganza October-Dec.2013

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I finally made it! I had a lot of issues getting my pictures uploaded. Now that they are finally uploaded, I can get down to business.... This is the last installment of the Review Extravagana 2013. We will have the linky open a couple extra days so you have some time. For a complete set of rules and all the fabulous prizes go here. October.... Let's face it, when October begins time starts to fly...and it fly it did. October had a birthday, a play and of course Halloween. Now that doesn't sound like much when you are on the outside, but come and sit let me paint you a picture of what it is really like.... Rehearsals Monday through Thursday that go until five or sometimes six. This goes on until the play is over. I am also planning a party, a baptism, and getting ready for Halloween.
Kristin in all her Zombie make up. She looked different each night. Here is her big scene, mind you she got more applause than some of the lead characters. Ryan's birthday was MineCraft themed. We had creeper cakes, creeper juice, and all foods Mine Craft. If you have a son or an overgrown Man Child you understand this all to well. Halloween was a blast...Kristin made her own costume...she was Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. She got lots of attention(mostly from teenage girls) she also did Emily's costume "R" from Warm Bodies, and Ryan was Iron Patriot.
November started off with a bang....Ryan got baptized. In our church, children are baptized at the age of eight.
Not only did Ryan get baptized, but he also started Scouts We had Thanksgiving...which included a total of twenty people! It was a noisy, fun, and yummy day. Oh yeah...we saw Thor the Dark World ...TWICE... Then comes the busiest month of all...Decemember. Let's face it. We all work our tails off in Deceember. Here's our month. Ryan was a shepherd... And he was in a parade... We got to see Santa twice.. We had our usual Christmas Eve traditions... Christmas Day was wonderful...we had many happy and joyful we also had a lot of this... What does that mean? Long story short, it means you have been pranked. It's quite humourous. The full explanation can be seen here.... So what are my goals for 2014... 1. Continue with school. This one excites me the most as two years ago I couldn't even say it. I only thought about going. Now I am working towards my Bachelor's Degree! What is even more exciting is so is Rich! 2. Lose 40 pounds by 2015 3. Get my house in order by 2015 4. Learn and exercise better time management 5. Blog one time a week (I haven't been posting at all) for the first three months. Then two times a week and finally three times a week. These are my goals for 2014. What were the last three months like for you? What are your goals for 2014? Happy New Year!! a Rafflecopter giveaway


Nicole said…
I agree that the last 3 months of the year just fly by. january seems to drag on and on too. lol. I forgot to do my goals, oh well. Last year I was a rebel and this year I plum forgot.
Emmy said…
What a fun Christmas Eve, I liked the video. Looks like December was so fun for you. I found this awesome daily declutter challenge that I am going to be doing, I will show it to you tomorrow :)
Yea glad you will be getting back to blogging!

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