Better Late....

It may be late, but I am going to post ten things to smile about....with my bestie Emmy!

1.  Seeing Ryan in his school talent show.  It wasn't just that he was awesome...because he is...but he has super high anxiety.  This was definitely something to smile about...

2.  The end of least for the kids.

3.  Hearing some amazing camp stories from the girls which included:  a mud run, a color run, a 5 mile hike, a wounded warrior run and climbing a large rock.

4.   Going to see my bestie...
Hmmmm...this looks familiar....

5.  Going to the beach

6.   Going to see Man of Steel....go see it.

7.  My car battery started not good.  But it was still under warranty so it was completely replaced for free!!!  That, is something to smile about.

8.  When my biggest gripe of the day is how grody I feel because I had worked so hard in the house.

9.  Did I mention school was out, because that is a big deal for me.  (And by school's out I mean the kids not me.)

10.  My oldest daughter happily hosting her sister's party so that all that I had to do was handle food.  It truly was a great thing.

What made you smile this month?


Emmy said…
That picture does look familiar ;). We have not been to the beach yet this summer! So need to go. Want to see Man of Steel!
That was awesome that you only had to worry about food for the party. Thank you for linking up!
Hannah said…
Ah lovely reasons. Well done to your boy, anxiety can be so hard to deal with. CupcakeMumma

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