I Am Proud...

We were talking about mean girls who say mean things.  Then, that dreadful word came up:  UGLY.
It took no coaxing, no hints, just a simple question to an honest young man...

I asked him...."What is your sister?"  And with a little grin, and his eyes looking down in a bashful manner he answered sweetly, "She's beautiful."  Just like that.  

Out of the mouths of babes!  I was very proud.

I am linking up with Emmy for Proud Mommy Moments.


Emmy said…
Hehe love that he covered his face and good boy! Thanks for linking up
Macey said…
That's awesome!!
Connie said…
What a sweetheart!
Nicole said…
awe, that's awesome and he's starting to look so grown up in that photo!!
mormonhermitmom said…
Good for him! And yes, sisters, your brothers are good for something!
Amy said…
How sweet! If he treats his sisters so well, it shows he will know how to treat a woman when he is older. Go job, Mom! And what a sweet thing for his sister to hear.

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