Random Stuff and Maybe a Question

I tell ya, I have no time management skills.  No memory.  And no sense of direction.  I just kind of go.  Does anybody else do this?  Or is just me?

We made a film yesterday.  Have you ever heard of, or watched, "Finding BigFoot?"  It's quite amusing actually.  These people seriously go from place to place in search of, you guessed it... BIGFOOT!  They do some pretty crazy stuff.  And it is very easy to make fun of.  Well one evening we started making up this elaborate scene and it escalated into a little mini episode.  Kristin was the master mind behind it.  She quickly wrote a script using what we joked about and adding to it.  There was talk of finding a fresh pile of Sasquatch poop.  So I jokingly said I wonder if I could MAKE some.  There is a world of recipes out there for POOP!  It's crazy.  So I made some edible poop!  Yep.  Edible poop!

It's nuts and melted chocolate.  Pretty gnarly isn't it?  Does this make me a cool mom or a crazy one?  Either way, we all had a lot of fun making this little movie.  It needs some final touches.  I can't wait to share it with everyone.

So now I have to clean my fridge, get ready for the rest of my day, tackle some school work, make some phone calls,  ugh....I think I will just lie down and take a nap.  Seriously...how do I keep up?


Emmy said…
That poop really is pretty nasty looking. Definitely makes you a fun cool mom.
Amy said…
These are the things your kids are going to remember about you for years to come. So much fun! It really is hard to keep up, isn't it?
mormonhermitmom said…
You are certifiable woman! LOL! Can't wait to see this. It's too cold to do that stuff here - too much white stuff. It would have to be tracking a yeti.
Nicole said…
Recipes to make poop... that's nuts! :)
Rebecca said…
yay edible POOP what all kids want
Macey said…
I would like to eat that poop.
That is all.
Shell said…
Um, and here I see it is edible. Apparently I should scroll more. ;)

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