World Premature Awareness

My bestie Emmy is blogging about something very near and dear to her heart today: premature birth.  Her baby boy was born prematurely.  But I am not going to tell you her story!  I am going to tell you mine!!!

When I was pregnant with my Little Middle...who I can no longer call that as she grown!!!...when I was pregnant with her, I remember being asked by my Relief Society President when did I want the baby shower.  And was June 28th too close to my due date.  I thought about it, and said, "No!  That is 3 weeks away!"  it should be fine.  Famous last words.

It was June 28th in the middle of the night when my water broke.  We took Kristin to the home of the family who graciously accepted the call at 3 in the morning, and headed to the hospital.  I was scared to the least.  It was too early.  But then maybe it would be okay.  I was (according the OBGYN) 37 weeks, so that she should be okay right?  I was scared even more when I learned that her cord had been wrapped around her neck twice.  She was purple and not breathing.  They placed her lifeless tiny body on mine and tried to get her to come to life.   When there was no response, they swooped her away and quickly, but quietly worked on her.  After what seemed a lifetime, she started making her first cries.

Her beginning was a shaky one, but she is here and she lets the world know it.  She is fun, cute and sassy.

12 years later!  Look at her now!

In an interesting turn of events, five years later when I was pregnant with Ryan I was part of a study for prematurely born babies.  I got to do several of the 4D ultrasounds as part this study.  One of the things they observed was how and when the baby started breathing in utero.  I remember one session when Ryan got the hiccups.  This, of course, made him mad.  And he started to "cry." and kick and punch.    I like to think that perhaps my little donation of time with my baby boy, may have helped another premature baby down the line.  

Ryan doing a service to others before he was even born

World Premature Awareness!


Nicole said…
Oh my goodness how scary would that be! I'm glad she's around now!
Emmy said…
That would have been so scary for her to not be breathing like that! So glad she is doing so great now and yes- so awesome you helped further what they know about preemie babies.
Great post!
debi10kids said…
It's always so terrifying when something doesn't go right during birth. So glad to hear your daughter was fine and is now a healthy almost teenager.
mormonhermitmom said…
Boy, the things we moms worry about huh?
Leigh Ann said…
Very scary! But how wonderful that you were able to give back in the form of research. I'm sure that you did help someone else along the road.
So scary! I think it's awesome you were able to participate in the research. Thank you for linking up and sharing your story!
Macey said…
The cord thing is so scary!
Shell said…
Glad your babies were okay. xo
Jessica said…
Love seeing the "after" pictures of all these amazing little survivors. So glad you linked up!
Urban Earthworm said…
Such sweet stories! And such sweet kids! Little Middle looks so much like you look in the birth picture.
Nice blog thankks for posting

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