Ten Things To Smile About: October

Tomorrow is Halloween??  Are you kidding me???  Where did JuneJulyAugustSeptember go?  And now tomorrow is Halloween???  We are ready.  It's just crazy.  Originally I was going to do a Random Post...

But I got distracted by a squirrel...err...my bestie and I remembered I love this meme and I had to play along.

1.  A sneak peak at one of the Halloween costumes....

2.  Okay....so I lied...another peak..at ANOTHER costume...but it makes me smile!
3.  Seeing and hearing the General Authorities speak during conference for my church.  And not only that, but all the Twitter feed that went with it!!!

4.  Seeing my best friend's son get baptized.  

5.  I took a huge step ....
I started college this month....officially I start class in November, but my Orientation and the initial steps were done this month.

6.  I did my first real review.  I was referred to as a "reporter" and everything!  Oh and I was given comp tickets to the show!

7.  I got my new iPhone...note the look of greed and possession in my eyes....

8.  We went to the Pumpkin Patch and Ryan went down this slide...turn the sound up to hear his girlie squeal as he comes down....
9.  It makes me smile when I can goof around ... or "embarrass" myself.

10.  And finally this picture Kristin sent to me of herself...wearing her friend's hoodie.  He is a giant compared to her as you can plainly see.
What made you smile this month???


Macey said…
Haha! Love that girlie squeal!
Connie said…
YAY for new iPhones and going back to school!
Rebecca said…
love your costume brilliant and great teeth i see you visit the dentist often
Emmy said…
That sequel and his reaction after are priceless! Too funny. I think you could fit two Kristin's in that sweater.

Glad your phone finally came :) And yes it was so good seeing you. Need to figure out something again soon-- need some more real time together.

Love your costumes and that picture of Ryan in his is perfect!!!

Thanks for playing along :)
Rachel said…
Oooh, love the Halloween costume sneak peaks! Such awesome ideas! Fun fun fun!
Nicole said…
I love love love the halloween costumes! Fabulous dawling!
Liz Mays said…
I love your costume sneak peek and your wacky teeth!
mormonhermitmom said…
You rock! Love the costume!

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