Embarrass Myself Psshh!

A little random fun before I write and post my first assignment!  I am giddy.  Actually the first ten days are simply to get you adjusted to college online.  Today I will be posting an introduction and responding to others. (Part of the grade is interacting with other students.  Wow too bad I don't know how to do that! ;)  )

Last night I took Kristin to upgrade to my old iPhone.  Her phone has got something wrong with it.  She really wants at least a 4S so she can mess with Siri of course.  I digress.  We were playing a song, who knows what teenage rage song.  A One Direction song, Neon Trees, Owl City....one of those.  And I started to bust a move while I was driving.  And you know I was doing awesome!   When Emily said, "Mom, you're embarrassing yourself."  BHAHAHAHAHA.  Oh you are so funny child.  I told her, "I can never embarrass myself."  Of course Kristin already knows this.

I watched the debates for about 30 minutes.  Then I turned it over to the World Series.  A lot less mud slinging there.

Apparently going the speed limit and obeying the rules of the road is too tedious for some.  I had someone go around me at a four way stop, use the left turn lane and drive straight ahead because they didn't want to go the speed limit anymore.  Where was the cop???

Now I have to stop playing, and start school.  Then I have to do housework.  YUCK!  I bought the big trash bags.  I mean business this time.  Go me.  I can hear you chanting for me.  But it's all about the college thing.  Housework....meh!

Have an awesome day everyone!!!


Rebecca said…
yuck housecleaning to bad they can't invent something to do it for you that would be great
Macey said…
I really can't handle more than 30 minutes of debating either. I just turn it.
Emmy said…
I think I would rather do homework- especially my own homework over cleaning. But the big bag! Go Lourie Go!!!
mormonhermitmom said…
Go, go go! Do your homework! LOL! Just kidding. I won't be your mom anymore. :)
Emily Little Middle said…
lol! :) do u like "college" so far? I know Ashylnn Kennedy does! :) <3 ya mother...mom, I mean....LOL!!!

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