DWTS Iconic Dance Week

This week on DWTS the celebrities are choosing past dances from past winners, and they get to direct, set design, costume design, and even choreograph.

First up are Anna and Drew and they are dancing the cha cha.  All I can say is...It's already getting harder and harder!  Who do I vote for??  Their cha-cha is excellent.  At least in my humble opinion!

Len said he liked the concept & the content. And that it was overall terrific!
Bruno, oh Bruno!  I think he liked it at least a little as he referred to Drew as "Magic Mike" and a "Power drill" was also mentioned.  Nice to see you are back Bruno!
Carrie Ann said she loved the creative direction and said it was great. She added that the moves were tight and precise.
Carrie Ann:  8
Len:  8
Bruno:  8
Total: 24

Gilles and Peta have the Tango, and while Gilles doesn't want to simply duplicate a dance, he wants to put himself into the routine.  So he designed the costumes, and came up with idea of having himself lifted off of a bed via a harness and lowered onto the dance floor.  It was a sexy, intense, Tango.

Bruno said he could probably fly in and out of any bed he chooses after that performance. He also called him 50 sheds of Gilles. He finished up saying there were a couple of wobbles but a good performance.
Carrie Ann said if Peter Pan looked that good, she would have listened more to that fairy tale. She added that the dramatic touches were exquisite.  But she agreed with Bruno on the wobbliness.
Len liked it, but said that occasionally it went a little bit "cranky."  Cranky?  Like you get sometimes?
CA:  8
Len: 8.5
Bruno: 8.5
Total: 25.5

Melissa and Tony have the Samba. They do very good. On a side note, Melissa got hurt in rehearsal with a fancy trick they were working on, but she insisted on keeping it in and they did the trick anyway.

Carrie Ann said it was fantastic and that everything was stellar!
Len compared her to a soda saying she was fizzy, refreshing, satisfying. And added that the whole thing was "Knock out!"
Bruno called them The Samba sensation! "You did it like a star!"
Carrie Ann: 9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

Karina and Apollo dancing the Foxtrot.  She was dressed up like a statue. And it was as if she came to life and they danced a sexier foxtrot.
Len told them it had great musicality but that it needed a little clean up with the feet placement. Also that they needed to be better with holds, but that it was great overall
Bruno said it was sensual , classy, but that he had a tendency to tense.  He said he needed to let it slide.
Carrie Ann said it was absolutely stunning. She said the fluidity was all right there.
Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 8
Bruno: 8.5
Total: 25.5

Kelly and Val Paso Doble and not just any old Paso Doble.  No, this is one his brother did.  She wants him to out do his brother.  Oh he is fine with that.  It was a very good Paso.  It's hard to recall all of these past dances.  So did they out-dance them?  I don't remember!  It was good though.

Bruno called it a defining performance. He said there was artistry and power and that he was tingling with pleasure.
Carrie Ann said that Val and Kelly are the couple to watch!
Len sat stunned a moment before he asked, "Where did that come from???" And  "Where have you been???"
Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

Kirstie and Maks are doing the Cha Cha to "Moves Like Jagger."  She said she tunes into DWTS to be entertained.  So she wanted to pay tribute to Carson Kressley's Cha cha to the same tune.  Okay it doesn't even look like Maks! And the dance is so good.  The Cha-Cha is Kirstie's dance.

Carrie Ann said that this is the most fun she's had all night, and adds that it is the best dance so far!
Len thinks that the celebrities should be in charge every week.
Bruno called it fully loaded!  "Like an expert on booty night."
Carrie Ann: 8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24

Sabrina and Louis are paying tribute back to Mel who then had a silent tribute to her (Sabrina) after she was eliminated way to early in season 5 --a cheetah paw on her collar.  Their dance is the Paso Doble, and Sabrina wants to follow the rules to the letter.  She does not want to risk elimination.  Oh, did I mention that this week is the "dreaded double elimination!"  Yeah, it is.  Well the rule follower, did awesome.  It was a fabulous Paso. She is no longer a cheetah girl...she is a cheetah WOMAN!

Len said she really has the technique and that the dance was beautiful.
Bruno said she had fire power and she is such a good dancer!
Carrie Ann agreed that indeed she is a good dancer, but that she didn't she feel Sabrina brought the creative concept to the floor.  Boo!!!
Carrie Ann:  8.5
Len: 8.5
Bruno: 8.5
Total: 25.5

Emmitt and Cheryl are also dancing a Paso Doble.  Emmitt wants to slide between her legs from across the ballroom.  She says, one misstep, and she goes down with him.  I was thinking they weren't going to do it, and then just like in Dirty Dancing, she backed up to one end of the ballroom and he charged and slid right between her legs.  A perfect fit. It was a crazy awesome move. And it turns out, he was charging before she was fully set up.  They showed a playback!  Man, I wish they would do that every week!(Playbacks)

Bruno said The amazing bull is back!  "I thought you were going to kill her!"  He told him to watch his shoulders, but otherwise he was back in the game.
Carrie Ann described him as the human torpedo man!  She said that every once in a while he went a little back, but that it was an otherwise fantastic dance.
Len said that he didn't know if he scared the bull, but that he scared the life out of him. He said that sometimes there was so much attack, it lost some finesse.
Carrie Ann:  8.5
Len: 8
Bruno: 8.5
Total: 25

Helio and Chelsie are doing Apollo's quickstep from season 5.  Apollo came in during rehearsals and told them to do right by him.  Helio delivered.  He did great, until he tripped on her dress, but it was great.  Good that the dress happened in the end of the dance, towards it anyway.  We got a replay on that too.

Carrie Ann called him The Quickstep King!(Or she tried too--it came out all wrong) She said when he dances he shows authentic joy.  "But you stepped on her dress....(She makes mad sounds here.)
Len simply said that this dance deserves to be back next week, it is top notch!
Bruno said they were at the top of the game, but  he stepped on the dress, and he lost the game.  well Len liked it!
Carrie Ann:  8.5
Len:  8.5
Bruno: 8.5
Total: 25.5

Paso Doble, Mark and Bristol.  Bristol has a melt down claiming that Mark doesn't even want to dance (with her) anymore. If you ask me, it's the other way around. They dressed as chess pieces.  Black King and White Queen.  It's a Paso Doble, but I wasn't wowed by it.  I can't put my finger on it.  Something about it is totally bugging me...

Len said he always had a fair up before a Paso Doble, because it made for more passion. (Referring to theirs)
Bruno called her an ice queen with a killer streak. And said it was her best dance ever. Well the former I agree with.
Carrie Ann agreed saying she is finally proving herself.   Then she said it,  "You need to work on your expressions." YES!  That is IT!  No facial expression.  NONE.
Carrie Ann:  7.5
len: 7.5
Bruno: 7.5
Total: 22.5

Shawn and Derek  are dancing The Quick Step and together they decide to break not one but many rules.  They only got hit for one thing. It was an otherwise amazing performance!!!

Bruno dubbed them "The Incredibles!"  And said it was The best dance in 15 seasons.
Carrie Ann said it was by far the best dance they have ever seen.  "You blew my mind!"
Len said that their ability to interpret movement into music is amazing.
Carrie Ann: 9
len: 8
Bruno: 9.5
Total 26.5

And now for the dreaded double elimination...I was sick enough when Anna & Drew were given their walking papers...but to see Helio and Chelsie get sent off and NOT Bristol...I was truly ill.  I love Mark, but she needs to go...next week.  And speaking of next week....

Paula Abdul comes to be a celebrity judge.

And the couples get to pick each other's dances.  (That was done tonight during the results show!)


Rebecca said…
i have to say i have a little issue with DWTS this week I'm not Bristol's biggest fan but i have to say i felt the judges did her wrong they really smacked her down when she and Mark broke the rules and scored her very low the week before but this week Shawn and derrick did the same thing but the judges only slightly punished them and gave them high scores totally wrong in my opinion. that being said I felt Bristol and Kristy should have gone not Helio and Drew. I'm getting really annoyed with the judges and the voting. Just my opinion
Liz Mays said…
I so agree that Bristol should have been the one sent packing. It's not right!

But the dances were super fun to watch this week.
Emmy said…
I have heard lots of complaints about Bristol- definitely seems like she should have gone.
Nicole said…
So I avoided reading this yesterday because I hadn't watched the results show yet and then.... my mom sent me a text and told me who went home so now I can read this. Unfortunately I was a Bristol fan the first time but I agree, she needs to leave.

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