Proud Mommy Moments: Short & Sweet

I have fun, short and sweet proud mommy moment this week.  I realize as my kids get older that those "proud" moments come fewer and far between.  Well at least, that is the hope.  I mean, I don't want my 15 year old throwing herself on the floor at Walmart because I won't buy her a shirt.

In recent weeks, I have been telling my kids (Ryan mostly) that those things on the sides of his head are not for decoration.  They are in fact, for listening.  So the other day, when we were en-route to picking up his sisters from school, and he once again said, "What??" I heaved a heavy sigh, gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and asked, "What are those things on the side of your head for?"  He very promptly and happily responded, "Decoration!"  At least I know he listens.

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Emmy said…
Lol! Silly Ryan. Love it! Thanks for always playing along
Nicole said…
Oh my gosh, that's tooooooo funny!
Kmama said…
LOL!! He's such a boy.

Thanks for linking up! Sorry it took me so long to make it over here.

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