Ten Things to Smile About

It is always so fun to go back and see what all made me smile over the past month.  It's also astounding how fast the second half of the year has gone by.  I liked the slower pace of the first half.  I digress.

What made me smile....

1.  I got a much needed haircut!

2.  Went to the beach again, and got tackled by a six foot plus wave.  It made me smile because mostly all it did was go right over me and right on past me.

3.  My neighbors are such busy bodies that when there is odd happenings around here we make it a show.  My mom had sinus surgery(nothing to smile about) but when I brought her to my house with her sad little nose sling and I shook my finger at her vigorously it sure made us smile and laugh too.

4.  The first day of school was bittersweet for me.  I really am surprised at how much they have grown. Mostly Emily.
5.  Being retweeted by Micky Dolenz himself.  It hasn't happened again.  But you just never know!!

6.  Going to Indio with my bestie, Emmy and her family.  It's becoming a tradition of sorts!!

7.  I have come up with some acronyms that I can use in front my kids and not worry about them repeated.  Because I don't want them getting into trouble.  "DAB"  a dumb annoying .....well you get it.  And "AW" an attention whore.  Am I bad?  Perhaps.  Bad enough for Hadees.?  The jury is still out on that one.

8.  Chocolate shakes.  Yes I admit it. They do in fact make me happy

9.  Ryan singing, "I'm Sexy & and  I know it" in front of the mirror.

10.   School shopping with Ryan was quite the experience!

What made you smile this month??


Macey said…
I need a hair cut...
Emmy said…
I agree with MiMi- I need a hair cut too.

Yes, Indio has definitely become a tradition of sorts :) If only your neighbors would move away-- or at least learn to mind their own business!!

Thanks so much for linking up, oh and I added your link as it wasn't there :)
Rebecca said…
still failing over retweet i smile everytime i think about it you rock of course, yay for anything chocolate and i totally giggled at the thought of Ryan sing sexy and i know it there is just something about that song
Nicole said…
Ok Ryan singing cracked me up! And here's one I say all the time PITA... Pain in the A**
mormonhermitmom said…
Well I guess someone just had to write a song to top, "I'm too sexy for my shirt..."

does that date me?

Make that a hazelnut chocolate shake for me.
Urban Earthworm said…
I love the acronyms! I have been bad lately with saying Dammnit in front of Flintstone. I don't know where it's coming from! I never swear! I'm really going to have to fix that, though.

Sexy and I know it. Too cute. Video? ;-P
Christina Lee said…
AWW. #9 made me laugh out loud!

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