Ten Things To Smile About

It's Not Saturday, even though my mind is insisting it is.  Give me an extra day and I lose my mind completely.  And trust me, it is too small to be wandering off on its own.  It's actually Monday night, as I type this.  And the month is at its  close, which can only mean one thing.  It is time for Emmy's Ten Things To Smile About!  Don't know what that is?  Well check it out here for more info.

And without any further adieu....

1.  I shot Emmy (it's okay she shot me back)
2.  A Facebook poking war with a dear friend that includes pictures.  Epic.
3. Seeing Kristin in a student directed & written play that won!  Those kids rocked it.

4.  Going to Indio with Emmy and her family and having all kinds of fun!!!
Now if you want to know just HOW much fun... you will have to go here!  It's a two part story.  You must read BOTH parts!

5.  A variety show at Kristin's high school.  And her first solo!  

6.  Another thing that made me smile at this variety show was my Little Middle going gaga over the cowboy singer.  It tickles me.

7.  And here is another example of what tickles me.
these two are cute.

8.  Seeing this little cutie pie again...
He has four teeth now!!

9.  School is almost out!!!  Friday is the last day.  Yep...I'm happy.

10.  And I got to see my bestie again on Sunday!  Love that!  Love her!

What made you smile this month?  Link up with Emmy!


Emmy said…
I know I realized we forgot to take any pictures on Sunday- but I guess we just had barely seen each other- but still! What were we thinking??

Makes me smile thinking of Little middle going all gaga.

And it was such a fun trip-can't wait for August when we do it again!!

Thanks so much for linking up
Rachel said…
Great list! Looks like a really fun months! HOpe you enjoy the summer with the kids out of school!
Rebecca said…
great list of things here love the make-up job on your daughter brilliant
Christina Lee said…
I'm only happy to be done with HOMEWORK!!!!! Love the teardrop picture!
Urban Earthworm said…
What a wonderful week! That picture with the tears is too funny.

So glad to see someone cheerful. I'm am pouty tonight.
Amy said…
I love this meme because even if it felt like a bad month, this forces you to see the good. Though by the looks of it youhad a great month. And you played a lot! Yay for playing! Congrats to you're daughter in the play. What was it about? The picture intrigues Mr and now I want to see it. glad you got to see so much of your bestie even though she moved away. That is always such a blessing.
Macey said…
Hey, I wear my make up like that every day. Weird.
Nicole said…
How far away are you from Emmy?

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