As If...

As if this needed anymore publicity.  As if I needed to ask the question at all.  But I just can't help myself.  Perhaps you haven't heard of the girl from Durango, Colorado who is now suing (With her MOTHER'S help) for her civil rights because her senior picture was deemed too racy for the school yearbook.

She was quoted as saying, “I honestly think (the picture) describes who I am,” Sydney said on NBC’s “Today” on Monday, after being invited to New York to give her side of the argument.  Wow.  "Describes who you are" 

Okay folks...go ahead...tell me who she is.  And if that picture in fact should be used as her senior picture.  She was given the opportunity to use it as her senior ad instead. 


Macey said…
So she's a slut?
Xazmin said…
It says, "Hi, I'm Sydney. I'll make all your wildest dreams come true. For a fee."

Where I come from schools have a dress policy. Also, your school picture is used in the yearbook, not one you submit yourself. Weird stuff. Found you from MiMi's blog!
Liz Mays said…
Well, darn it that it's not December because I can't think of a better time to say "ho ho ho".
Nicole said…
She looks trashy and if she someway wins, I'll bet schools will crack down on senior photos and possibly even go back to whatever the school pictures are.... yuck!
Becca said…
I cannot even believe that her mother thinks that is artistic..when she has children and she is 35, do you think that she would want her children seeing that kind of image of her?
mormonhermitmom said…
Fine. Let her pay for the ad. I'm sure she'll make it all back and then some.
Emmy said…
Does she really want high school boys looking at her picture and um making themselves happy?? Cause you know that is what is going to happen. And yes, makes me so mad she is sewing- this world is messed up. On another note, Lucas was born in Durango
Rebecca said…
all i can say is she is lucky she isn't my daughter that picture would not have been taken
Miss Angie said…
It really is skanky... She looks like a stripper.
Richard said…
Is she allowed to wear that "outfit" during the school day? If not, and I HOPE NOT, then it should be deemed not appropriate for the school picture. This has nothing to do with her civil rights.
I saw her on the Today show. Matt Lauer seemed to agree with the girl and her mother.

I agree with Richard, just not appropriate for school or year book.

And the all-student yearbook staff got to make that decision.

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