The Phantom Pooper/Pee-er

There's a phantom pooper/pee-er in our house.  It's true.  More than once a day, and in more than one toilet(we have three) I have the pleasure of finding souvenirs.   I am pretty sure it is not the cat.  I know it isn't Rich or me.  I forget a lot of stuff, but flushing isn't one of them.  Thankfully, I still remember that one.  I am even likely to offer a courtesy flush if necessary.

The phantom pooper/pee-er knows no boundaries.  He/she will use any bathroom for any bathroom need.  I have given up grilling the kids on their recent use of the potty because they will deny it or simply blame one another.  I can understand when you are small and learning to use the toilet why you would forget or even be afraid.  It makes a big noise and sucks away the waste.  But come on.  You guys are getting older now.  Time to push the handle and say good bye to your stuff.  And please don't tell me you forgot.  How do you forget to flush? 

So you never when or where The Phantom Pooper/Pee-er will strike.  You just have to be prepared for when he/she does.  This proud mommy moment has been brought to you by Emmy and Kmama and Proud Mommy Moments.


Macey said…
I think it's the boy. LOL
Linda Medrano said…
Oh come on. It could be the cat.
Urban Earthworm said…
I hate to tell you this, but my brother did that into his 20's . . . I think it was some sort of control thing.
Emmy said…
Lol! Yea my guess is the boy too. Or Emily, she does get distracted sometimes :). I had a neighbor boy friend that even at 13 did not flush- he would come out and we would have to remind him to go flush.
Unknown said…
I remember my dad yelling at me for that exact thing. I think I finally started flushing all the time when I was 5. I was bad about flushing the potty!
mormonhermitmom said…
My mom's cat became a random pooper/pee-er when she got really old. My mom thought she just couldn't make it to the litter box in time. We had to euthanize not long after that started happening.
Kmama said…
The worst is when you have company and they find it! LOL

Thanks for linking up!!
LOL--Ahem, sadly, at my house, none of my kids are encouraged to flush. Our toilets overflow even with nothing in them. It's not pretty. :)
Shell said…
I'm just happy if they make it into the potty. I'll flush for them. LOL
Mary said…
Coming from a Mom of 2 pottied trained boys? It's your son :)
Liz Mays said…
Let's hope that they're not also forgetting to wash their hands!
Jenny said…
I don't want to scare you, but there's more than one. They visit us, too!

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