Good Friday. Good (to) Confession(s).


I am so glad I get to confess each week!  I get to unload those heavy burdens.  

I confess...

I have been very careless with my eating.  And the scale tells me so.  I have been stuck in the same 1-4 pound area since Christmas.  I want to break out of it so badly. My body and my appetite are refusing to let go.  

I confess....

I went to the grocery store three times yesterday.  It's not entirely due to my poor brain slowly dwindling into the black hole of senility.  Our store is being remodeled and nothing is where it belongs.  I was confused and didn't know where to go.  It slowed me down and left me feeling a bit helpless.

I confess...

I have been really struggling with my blog.  I think there is something in the air as I know I am not the only one.  I am not burned out.  I am just stumped.  I want to add something to my week.  I have been brain storming.  It turns out my brain storms are more like mist.  It's there but not real productive.

I Confess...

I have a ton of things to do and I am not even pretending like I will do them.  
I Confess...

I made hot fudge sauce on Wednesday.  It was sooo good.  I am hungry just thinking about it.

I Confess...

I am still in my jammies.  And that is okay.  It's kind of nice.

What are you confessing?


Macey said…
3 times at the grocery store would kill me.
Anonymous said…
I wish I was still in my jammies! I think I would have given up after the second trip to the store...Unless trip number three was for cookies and then I would have gone again.
VandyJ said…
I hate it when the stores remodel. Ours have done it recently. Then Safeway went and raised all their prices. Yeah the store looks nice and upscale, but I'm not paying for nice looks--I want affordable groceries. Therefore we shop at Albertson's. I have on occasion been to the store multiple times--when I forget the list. I don't go to the store without a list anymore.
Nicole said…
First I love that u are still in pjs!!!! LOVE IT! I'm totally going to do that this weekend and next week, can't wait!!

I feel alittle stumped too I think with my blog. Hopefully the vacation will help to renew inspirations.

I love this too "I have tons to do but I am not even pretending like I will do them".

All of your confessions I aspire too!!! :)
Amber said…
They just remodeled our grocery store too - they had employees at the end of each section waiting to direct people. Actually it was about a month or so ago...doesn't matter, I still can't find anything in it. Took me an hour to find a can of sloppy joe mix and I only found a can because someone put it back in the bread section.

I'm jealous you're still in your jammies!!
Rachel said…
Things you are not even pretending to do! Okay, that made me smille, why should we kid ourselves, right?!
I think that mist is going around. After a busy day, sometimes it hurts my brain to think about anything.

I love to stay in my PJs too. I think that helps with the mist. :)
Amy said…
HA! I love that. "I have a ton of things to do and I am not even pretending like I will do them." That makes me laugh so much. Because that is basically me. I haven't had a clean house since Monday. Jeffrey's last day of work. What is it with having him around that makes me feel so lazy?!?
Unknown said…
I wish I could live in my jammies...
Jenny said…
I confess...I miss being able to visit your blog. My son-in-law was supposed to fix the blog restrictions on my computer on Friday night...instead he decorated Easter cookies...grrrrr...

My husband is still asleep so I hopped on here to see what you're up to!

Hoppy Easter!
Emmy said…
Maybe when the kids go back to school it will help with the blogging :)

I know I have a million blogs to get caught up on once they are back in.

We really should walk together-someone asked if I was pregnant today. I am motivated to work out now.
Forgetfulone said…
I think staying in your jammies all day is highly acceptable, even preferred! LOL Hope you had a great weekend.
Sandra said…
Yeah, I'm with you with the blog stump thing...what is up with that? Maybe you're spending too much time at the grocery store :)
Nicole said…
I hate when stores remodel like that or just omve things around. It gets confusing but they do it as a gimmick to make you buy things you don't really need.
Rachel Sue said…
Hot fudge sauce. Mmmmmmmmm.

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