It's Just Life

I was at Walmart the other day, because it is just a fact of life.  You go.  You fill your cart and you choke when you see the total.  During this particular shopping trip, I did the unthinkable.  Yep, I tried on bathing suits.  Why did I torture myself?  Was I needing to be knocked down from my precarious pedestal?  Well when we went, it was crazy busy.  And I may or may not have had a severe slight case of gas.  And I may or may not have had a problem in the dressing room.  A very loud problem.  And there may or may not have been further evidence left behind.  And there may have been a woman sent to her doom as she was forced to use the only room left.  Yeah, she blogged about know she did.  At the very least you know she was texting her BF.  It would go something like this:  "OMG!!  This woman totally let 1 rip the drssing rm.  I might die in here" 

I sent Ryan and Emily to their rooms on Wednesday.  I was tired of their bickering. And I wanted quiet.  I may or may not have fallen asleep after that. 

I hate grocery shopping.  There I said it.  I feel better.

I love this weekly cleansing of the soul!  Is there anything you need to get off your chest???  Click that sweet button down there and play along with the Glamazon!


Janiece said…
Hey...we all do it...
Nicole said…
LOL!!! Thats hilarious.
I've done that in the work elevetor like 500 times:)
Shell said…
Cracking up at farting in the dressing room!
Shell said…
Cracking up at farting in the dressing room!
Laura said…
Hahaha too funny! Yeah there was definitely texting going on in there! :)
Emmy said…
Lol! Why is is that farting is so bad. We all do it :). But yeah it is just funny.
Linda Medrano said…
Oh hell, Sweetie, be loud and proud!
bingham 5 said…
While at Target yesterday this little old lady actually stuck her bum out and let one rip! I thought I was doing to die laughing!
Christine said…
LOL!! Too, too funny.
Sara said…
Hilarious! Love the fish cartoon, too. haha!

Visiting from Friday Confessional!
Tracie said…
If you're going to let one rip, there's no better place to do it than Wal-Mart. Just throwing that out there.
Lourie, first of all I can barely type from laughing! You are the best. And you know how I like goldfish, so the cartoon, choice!
I almost always know when I head on over to your place I'll be laughing or at least smiling pretty much.
I love ya,
Laura Lynn said…
Really, I am LOL right now. You kill me. And Wal-Mart deserves to have someone let it rip anyway - why not it be you? made me laugh.
Kellie said…
That's too weird! Hahaha! At least your kids weren't announcing it was you ;)
Aubree said…
haha walmarts are always super busy! and it happens haha.

and check out my latest post as i have passed an award along to you!
Stacy said…
I hear ya! I need more rooms. Mine have to share. I send them to their rooms and they continue fighting and someone usually ends up smacking the wall. That makes me a good mom right??
The Drama Mama said…
I have designated a quiet hour here. When Scooby goes down for a nap, Jellybean gets one hour of silence. She can do whatever she wants, as long as its quiet and doesn't involve saying "mom!". Haha.
Holly Lefevre said…
Oh yeah, now you have really come clean.
Holly Lefevre said…
Oh yeah, now you have really come clean.

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