And Then There Were Three...

I can't believe it's already almost over.  It went so fast.  Maybe because there were only 11 celebrities.  Maybe because time just flies.  Whatever the reason,  it has really flown.  Every Monday night my fingers fly on the keyboard during the show, and on my phones after.  By Tuesday morning I have texting thumbitis.  Yeah, it's real.   First on the roster are my pet favorites.  Erin and Maks.  I love them because they are so dang cute together.  They just fight like a romantic comedy.  Or like brother and sister.  I prefer to think of the former.  Tonight everyone dances two dances and the second includes a solo.  For the first dance, Erin and Maks are dancing the Viennese Waltz.  In practice she nails a move and Maks couldn't be prouder.  Their dance was in a word:  BEAUTIFUL.  She is really neat to watch.  She is so tall and thin and she is talented so when she dances it is good.

Len told her she took a giant step through the door.  Bruno gushed about how much she has improved.  Carrie Ann said how much she loves to watch her, but she saw the nerves in her ankles.  ANKLES?  Really?  But then I don't know what to look for.  She went onto say, "I want you to pull it together for the next dance."

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total 27

Derek came into practice this week with neck pain.  I am not totally clear on what happened to him.  He did injure his neck last season, so it is possible he was having trouble from that.  Their first dance is The Argentine Tango, not an easy dance to do when your neck is stiff and hurting.  And he was.   Frustrated but determined, Derek worked through the pain and went on with the show.  And....*shaking my hand*  Ssssssss Sizzling hot dance!  WOW!  It was....HOT.  Just my HO.   Bruno, with his grand dramatic gestures said, "A divine enchantress using each move to throw us deeper, and deeper and deeper into a love spell from which their is no escape!  Enchanted by you!  Loved the dance!"  Carrie Ann said, that Nicole took Bruno some place else but that she was moved to tears.  And Len told her that her performance was more delicious than his grandmothers apple pie!!

Carrie Ann:  10
Len: 10
Bruno: 10
Total: 30

It's no secret that I do not care for Chad or his lack of skills for dancing.  So when my husband asked me if I would vote for him if he did a complete turn around and blew everybody out of the water, I had to say "no."  He's just too much about Chad.  And then seeing his offer of 10 thousand dollars to his millionth follower on Twitter, I had to wonder if that offer would be rescinded if he was eliminated.  Their dance tonight was the Waltz.  And I wouldn't say he did a 180, but I will say he did about a 45.  It was better, but just not a contender.  Not at all.  Jake would have been a better contender.  Okay so I ended up liking Jake, but he is the better dancer.  See ya next Tuesday, Jake! ;)  Ahem....

Carrie Ann told Chad that he nailed the Waltz!  That there was a new Chad with new posture.  And then she started giggling.  Len told him he was the only one (now) with no dance experience and to produce a dance like that was fantastic.  Bruno, told him that they have been harsh, because they knew there was something to there to see.

Carrie Ann:9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

Evan aka Mr. Excitement(okay not really) was set to dance The Fox Trot.  Anna wanted to know what it was that made Evan really happy. Ummmm coffee....*crickets* I seriously don't remember what he said next, and then he said his nephew.  This sweet little chubby baby just learning to walk.  Evan's entire face lit up.    That was the face she wanted in the Fox Trot.  And he brought it.  It was a lively dance.  He was there with her and the audience for probably the first time.  Ever.  Len told him it was happy go lucky and fun.  Bruno told him it had vitality! And Carrie Ann praised him for finally making those connections and thanked for listening to her. 

Carrie Ann: 10
Len: 9
Bruno: 10
Total: 29

Erin and Maks' second dance was the Paso Doble.  When Erin did her solo, that cool cape was wrapped up all around her and looked more like a hefty bag.  I thought YUCK!  That is UGLY!  Then Maks took it down and it made all the difference in the world.  She rocked this one!

Carrie Ann:  10
Bruno 10

Nicole and Derek danced the Cha Cha Cha.  It was perfection.  I still believe they will take the trophy.  But then you never know.  Bruno told Nicole that she was the "sexy-licious purple Queen of the cha-cha-cha!"

Carrie Ann 10
Len 9
Bruno 10

Chad and Cheryl  danced the Samba and somewhere in there Chad lost his shirt...well he didn't lose it, he knew where it was.  I wasn't overly impressed with the dance.  Len said it was a tough dance and that he did a great job.  Bruno said he would torn between admiration and bitter envy.  Carrie Ann proclaimed that he lit up the room.  And she is giggling again.  What is she on anyway?

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 8
Bruno 9

Evan and Anna dance The Paso Doble.  Evan. Nailed. It.  Bruno told him he was strong and artistic.  The best Paso ever. And the still giggly Carrie Ann gushed about the power of his movements.  Len pointed out how hard it is for the male celebrities to dominate these professional ladies, but that he did it. 

Scores: Carrie Ann:  10
Len 10
Bruno 10
Total: 30/59

So with my phones all lined up, and my fingers at the ready I did my part to keep my favorites on the show.  I posted on my FB to please keep MAKS and ERIN dancing!  And my pleas worked!  Sorry Chad...okay...I'm not really, but I am trying to be nice here.


Nicole said…
Evan is so awesome. It was amazing to watch him in the winter olympics, and now to see him dancing is even better! I don't see Niecy on there! did she go!? oh I liked her.
Unknown said…
I haven't watched DWTS this year. But I do love Evan!

Stopping by from SITS!

Check out my giveaway!
See Mom Smile said…
I have not been following it this year. I guess I am over it. I think American Idol is next on my "not going to watch again" list. But "SO you think you can dance" on the other hand....already in my TIVO!
Tracie said…
I think Nicole will win, too. But i'm for evan! He was soooo good on monday!
Christina Lee said…
Yeha Maks and Erin--do you think they are dating?
Shelley said…
So glad you do these updates since I don't have time anymore to watch the show!

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